chapter 2

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Maha's POV

I was sitting in my room writing diary. After Dia left me her all habits became mine. She used to tell me that writing diary helps if you feel alone.

Writing diary would give your heart relief. You will be able to express your feelings without getting hurt.

While I was lost in my thoughts Sameera rushed towards and stopped panting harder. It was evident that she was having hard time breathing due to running maybe. She was even sweating hard.

With concern I made her sit on the bed and waited till she gets relaxed. She was trying to tell something but I couldn't understand anything due to her heavy breath for a while.

"I found out some things about... About Aditya" she said panting. Hearing his name my body stiffened. I already started hating him with the first encounter.

"Seriously, Sameera. You came panting like this to tell me about him!?" I said in disbelief going back to settle on my bed.

"Maha, Aditya is a team leader of Rescuers!"


"Yaa, here there is a team called Rescuers. It's been working from past 10 years. Different members have worked in this. They even have some selecting rounds to get joined in their group."

"I wonder who selected that guy though" I said with a chuckle

"Maha, he has literally saved more than 15 students from attempting suicide. He saved many girls who were victims of harassment. I think... I think we misunderstood him" She said making me doubt myself for making her my friend.

"Okay, let me tell the reality of this world. So Sameera good deeds are like white colour and bad deeds are like black colour. A small dot of Balck colour is enough to ruin the white. Just like that it doesn't matter how many good deeds you do, one bad deed is enough for people to point you out. No one sees your good deeds at the time" saying this I smiled and went to take bath.

The next day my parents came

Yaa, they came

We were walking in the campus. They were giving me tips for becoming a ranker in this institute. Suddenly a bike stopped in front of us. It was a guy wearing black leather jacket with a pair of black ripped jeans and black boots. He has covered his face with helmet.

He threw a letter in our direction and went from there. That guy didn't even give time to process what was exactly going on. I went and took the letter in my hands while my parents eyes were stuck on me.

Hi Kitten,

Are you missing me already cause I'm missing you a lot. Didn't have idea that one incident has brought us this close. Thank you for giving me sleepless night and I'm sure you too didn't able to rest properly. I want to take our relation one more step forward. Wishing that I'll get a quick response

With love
Your future husband...

I crumbled the paper reading it. I could sense eyes of my parents who felt betrayed.

"What is this Maha, I didn't expect this from you" Dad said with disappointment in his face. I can feel the angry glare from my mom.

"Dad, I dont know him. Maybe it was... It was some kind of prank. Trust me, I don't have any such intentions. I.. I just came here to study.. I won't..." Before I could complete my mom interfered in between

"Study? I can see what you are doing. Maha, I saw your face when he gave the letter. It was evident on your face that you knew him. Let's go from here Mahesh, I can't tolerate more lies. We will only come to you after you prove us wrong " saying this my mom and dad left me.

Tears were rolling on my cheeks.


The emotion I was feeling was anger. The person who did this will definitely face the consequences and I knew who that person can be.

Aditya Ranawat

Next day

I started my search for Aditya. After nearly 30 minutes I saw him sitting in the park with 3 of his friends probably. As soon as I saw their face I recognised them. They were even there when Sameera's brother was getting beaten up.

I went straight towards them. Their laughter stopped as soon as they saw me.

"Aditya, we need to talk" as soon as he heard me, he held my hand and took me to empty corridor where no one was allowed to go.

The whole are was covered with dust telling us how long it was kept without care.

When I saw him, he was looking at me with a smirk. I took the letter he gave me from my pocket and handed it to him

"What the hell were you thinking when you gave this? Were you out of your mind? They were my parents who were with me!" I yelled at him but he didn't even seem as if he cared.

"I knew.. I knew that's the reason I did that? Why did you will humiliated" he said coming closer to me. I clutched his collar, anger vivid in my eyes.

"Why? Why the hell did you do it!?"

"You should have thought twice before opposing me in the crowd. I was nearly suspended due to you. That is the first time I ever got warning. I can't tolerate"

"You did wrong so you have to face..."

Before I could complete he closed my mouth by his hand. He glances towards the entrance. We heard footsteps making us both panic. He pulled me to a room and pinned me.

"Kitten, we need to be careful. If we get caught here alone, then it means we both are gone. I'll go and find some place to hide. You wait here"

As he distanced himself from me, I again pulled him towards me holding his hand. Our fronts collided making my breath hitch. I made sure he didn't notice it. He was shocked by my action but that expression changed in a second into mischievous.

"I don't mind getting caught. I mean you already have marked on my character, I don't mind getting more. But it's you who should worry now" I said with smirk

"Nice move kitten, yet I know how to save us" saying this he smiled and lifted me bridal style and took me behind some book shelf.

When he left me I started struggling to get out of his grip but his grip on my got more by my each struggle. Suddenly he kept his hand on my eyes.

"Shh kitten, I understood that you are a little fighter. If you wanna fight, let him leave. After that you can do anything you want" he whispered in my ear.

I could feel his trimmed beard touching my skin. He was standing close to me, that was the moment I realised how tall he was. I reached till his shoulder. Maybe if I rest my ear, I could hear his heartbeat without any effort. The whole time I could feel his gaze on me.

After few minutes he opened my eyes. I didn't directly see in his eyes. This was the first time I was this close to some guy. I knew it now I saw in his eyes, it's gonna end bad. Yet I tried

I saw into his eyes. His chestnut brown eyes met my black one. They grew darker by each passing second. He started getting close, that was the moment I knew I fucked up.

I pushed him and slapped. Seeing his reaction I understood that he just realised what he was doing.

"Let's not come in each other's way from now. It would be better for both of us" saying this I left from there leaving him alone

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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