17: A Runaway

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Sitting at the table I'm eating I'm busy eating cereal while listening to Jessie speak on the phone. I'm wearing a panda set that Jessie got me for a birthday gift last year for my seventh birthday and I love them, the top is greyish white with long black sleeves with a picture of a cute panda holding bamboo up to it mouth and the pants are all black with pockets.


Jessica finished her conversation, and I finished my bowl of cereal. 

The doorbell rang and I hurried to get my stuff, Jessie asked me if I want to keep the toy here and I can play with it when I come over or I can bring it with me, it's nothing weird Stacy's house isn't big enough to keep so many toys so most of my toys are here at Jessica's house, but I'm bringing the baby doll with me.

I walked down the stairs and saw Aunt Stacy standing inside the house.

"Thank you, Jess." I heard my aunt say and hugged Jessie who hugged back. They pulled away and Stacy smiled down at me with a big smile, bigger than usual I didn't think much of it.

Hey, kiddo. How was your day yesterday?"

I smiled, "Yesterday was fun. I got hair done!" The two women laughed.

"I see." She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

Jessica spoke, "Well, I have to get to work so I'll talk to you later, okay Stace?"

"Yeah, thank you again for watching her. Come on, Clem." Aunt Stacy and I left Jessica's house Jessie followed us out because she has to go the elementary school and teach fourth graders. 

When we got in the car, I took out my new toy and started playing.

"What's that, Clem?"

"Jessie, took me to the toy store and let me pick out whatever toy I wanted." 

"Oh... is that it? I mean is that the only toy she bought for you?" Aunt Stacie asked, with a hint of sadness in her voice. Why does she sound sad?

"Uh, yeah." Is all I said while playing.

"Did you give her a name?" She tried to sound excited.

I paused and thought about it and shook my head, "No."

Stacie had both hands on the wheel and looked down as she gripped tightly on the steering wheel. "Maybe you should."

"What?" I glanced up to the front of the car.

"Every baby needs a name." She shrugged and the rest of the ride was quiet. Should I give her a name or just call her baby? 

I'm lying in my bed looking up at the ceiling fan that is spinning around and around. It's five in the afternoon, I take my time getting off my bed and tiptoed down the stairs. Step one, step two and step three I'm trying not to make any noise.

Pausing on a step I sit down, Stacy walks out the kitchen and passes the stairs not even noticing me sitting there staring at her. I watch as she made her way to the center of the living room with the phone to her ear talking to someone.

"I don't know if I'll still be able to take care of her." I heard her whisper in the phone.

"Yeah, I know, and I feel bad, but things aren't easy." The dirty blonde let out a sigh like she doesn't know what to say, "It's hard for me."

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