Chapter Fourteen : Promise

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After spending the rest of the afternoon at the Choi’s Residence, the two boys bid their goodbyes to Yeonjun’s parents, telling them how fun and nice to spend the time with. And then they said goodbye to Yeonjun and drove away to go back home.

A deep sigh leaves Yeonjun’s lips as he stares out at their front gates, watching his two friends drove off into the distance. He closes his eyes and shakes his head, a smile playing at his lips. It has always been fun spending time with them… but it had gotten harder lately since it was just the three of them this year, without their other friends who would sometimes join in on outings together with them or even hang around them when they visited each other’s houses.

Yeonjun turns towards the gate and stares for another moment before walking back into his house, where he finds his dad reading a magazine in the living room and eating some takeout. “They just left, I gotta go wash up, I’m exhausted.” He mumbles under his breath, going up the stairs towards his bedroom.

Yeonjun walks across his floor, heading straight for his bathroom, closing the door quietly behind him. He steps onto the tiled ground and locks himself in his bathroom, turning on the faucet and letting water fall into the sink, splashing his face lightly with it. He quickly wipes off his forehead and ruffles through his hair once, making sure that it is slightly wet. Then he looks down at his hands, noticing the water droplets that still cling on to his fingers.

He sighs again and scrubs his face clean. He runs his hands through his hair and picks up a towel, drying it carefully over the countertop. When all the moisture is gone, he puts the towel down and reaches up to get his blow dry. A few minutes later, he’s finished and is ready to step outside of the bathroom door to go to his bed. He takes one more look in the mirror to make sure everything looks okay before taking a deep breath and unlocking the bathroom door.

He pushes it open and steps out, walking to his bed and climbing onto it. As soon as he does, his phone begins vibrating on his bedside table, and he gets up to take it, smiling apologetically at the person calling him. It was Soobin.

He opens the call and presses it to his ear. “Hey, babe.” He says softly as he lays back down on his bed, staring up at his ceiling.

“Hi, baby. I miss you.” Soobin responds from the other line. They have known each other for almost three years now. Even though there is only one year difference between the two, so far they have spent quite a bit of time together.

Because Yeonjun always spend time with his friends while Soobin is busy at work.

“I missed you too, how have you been?” Yeonjun replies, smiling widely at the sound of Soobin’s voice. It always made him happy whenever he hears that.

“Good. You? How is it going? Have you been hanging out with your friends this week?” Soobin asks from the other line. There’s slight worry in his tone and Yeonjun knows that Soobin worries about him a lot.

That was something he could easily admit after all. But Yeonjun also knew that his boyfriend cared about him more than anything else, so he really couldn’t be angry at him for it.
“Yes I am, Beomgyu and Felix were here just earlier—“
“Wait, did you say Felix?” Soobin interjects. “And he is there today?”

“Yes. Isn’t he your childhood friend?” Yeonjun inquires. He can hear Soobin hum on the other line, but he doesn’t reply for a long amount of time.

“Soobin? Are you alright?”
Soobin clears his throat, clearing up whatever thoughts were running through his mind. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Sorry. Uh, what happened exactly? How are they there today?”

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