Chapter 3 First Joint Mission

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Y/n Pov

Heading towards Igor who's a 40 year old man, with blue eyes and white skin, shaking his hand. 

Y/n: good to see you old friend. 

Igor: To you as well Lieutenant or shall I say Major now. 

Y/n: Nice to know you've been more informed.

Igor just laughs pulling me into a hug. 

Igor: Its good to see you once more comrade Y/n. Nice promotion by the way. 

Releasing me from the hug I slap his arm. 

Y/n: Hey you and me both know why I needed that promotion.

Igor: Of course. 

Igor turns his attention towards the awe looking spectators. 

Igor: Who might these people be?

We start making our way closer to the Ark's people. Pointing at the Commander in chiefs.  

Y/n: These 3 are the Commanders in chief of the Ark, Andersen, Burningum, and Doban. 

Pointing towards Ingrid who's looking at Igor with great interest. 

Y/n: CEO of Elysion Ingrid, she's been a big help to us here in the Ark. 

Finally the Counters and Nikes.

Y/n: Finally the Commander or Counters, Wardress, and Mighty Tools. 

Igor stands at attention saluting them.

Igor: It is an honor to meet you all. 

He makes his way shaking everyone's hand who return it. 

Andersen: Of course we are grateful with this new alliance that we've made with the Vaults.

Igor: And us as well Commander in chief Andersen. 

Andersen: Please Andersen is fine. 

They start talking with one another. Hopefully no one starts breaking the Vaults trust now seeing our new arrivals. Finishing their conversation it looks like the 2nd tank battalion are now entering. 

Igor: I hope our alliance can bring us closer into retaking the surface from the Raptures Andersen. 

Andersen: Us as well Igor. 

Igor turns his attention seeing the 101st who are talking amongst themselves seeing that the Russians are now here. He raises an eye brow at them turning towards me.

Igor: Y/n is the rest of the 101st here? I thought the whole battalion would be here? 

Y/n: No, just 101st easy company for now. I'm pretty sure their going on a mission in 4 weeks. They'll be replaced with the 2nd Marine Division. 

Igor: Ah, the "Devil Dogs". Being a while since I saw them in action. 

Y/n: Same here. 

Anis: Devil Dogs?

Looking over at Anis with the other Nikkes. 

Y/n: They earned their name during WW1. They were named that from the Germans at the battle of Belleau Wood, they were ordered to take the hill well also wearing their gas masks, the reports the Germans made were that they saw growling figures coming at them with glowing red eyes. They said they were being attacked by dogs from hell.

Anis: U-uh really?

Neon: This is starting to sound like a scary story Major...

Seeing that Anis and Neon were getting a little frighting from this as well as Yuni who was shaking a bit. 

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