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“Beacon Hills police station, this is Dep. Parish, how can I help you”

Motel manager “ hello I'm just need someone to come check on one of the people staying here. Keep said he was waiting for his dad, but it's been days. He looks 16 Dep. “

Parish “ will send somebody down, thank you”

Sheriff walks by

Parish “ hey Sheriff your the only one open to go on a tip  all about a minor staying in the motel alone “

Sheriff “ fine ill go”

Sheriff heads over to the motel and asks the front desk person for the manager.

The manager took him to the room.

Sheriff knocked on the door

Stiles get up and open the door

Stiles “ may I help you - uh Sheriff “

Sheriff “ I have some questions for you. may I come in”

Stiles “ sure”

They sit down

Sheriff “ Do kid, where's your father”

Stiles stiffens “ on the way he's stuck at work”

Sheriff “ may I have his number “

Stiles heads him Bobby's number

Sheriff” hold well I call your father.”

Rings the number

Bobby “ Hello “

Sheriff “ Hello, is this Stiles Combells father “

Bobby “ Yes, this is ,what can I do for you “

Sheriff “ How far are you. Stiles said you're caught at work.”

Bobby “ ya, I'll be there as soon as I can.”

Sheriff looks over to Stiles

Stiles is spaces out with fear in his eyes.

Sheriff “ Thank you”

Hangs up the call

Sheriff “ You ok kid “

Stiles backs up

Sheriff “ kid “

Stiles mind is locked in a memory of his father.

Sheriff voice is supper faint “ kid”

Stiles falls to the ground and goes into a ball and tries to hide.

Sheriff sees his scars and the tattoo.

He draws the tattoo down.

Sheriff just stayed and tried to comfort Stiles

Sheriff had contacted Argent because of the tattoo.

Argent arrives

He knocks on the door.

Sheriff let him in

Argent “ ok, is he ok”

Sheriff “ I hope “ hands the drawing to Argent

Argent “ he has this “

Sheriff “ ya why”

Argent “ This is a mark of a winchester “

Sheriff looks at the kid “ The kid, he looks terrified. “

Argent “ Well, he's a hunter “

Stiles comes too and knocks Argent and Sheriff unconscious and grabs his stuff, and gets in his jeep.

Stiles drives to a clearing and get out of the car and takes a breath “ son of a bitch I hate this life. I want to be normal.” Falls to the ground.

Little did Stiles know Derek's loft was in ear shot.

Derek is listening to Stiles whole rant.
Derek “ my mate in trouble I have to help him.”

Stiles get a phone call.

Stiles “ Hello “

John “ please tell me at least one of the wolfs are dead “

Stiles “ no sir I'm still try to get them to trust me sir.”

John “ well try harder. Get it done.”

Stiles “ yes sir”

John hangs up

Stiles would have no problem betraying John but his brothers are a different story he can't turn his back on them.

Stiles goes back and his jeep And falls asleep.

When we collideHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin