Pokemon race/battla Part 2/3 (Trailer #1)

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*In the outside Pokemon race track*

"Okay Arven and Nemona, today's pokemon battle is, Pokemon race." You said while looking at Arven & Nemona with a polite smile on your face.

"Pokemon race, what does that mean??" Arven asked while looking at you with a confused face.

"Well Arven, Pokemon race is a battle that you have use 2 or 4 types of pokemon to race in four space laps, and the choice is yours, you have to choose the pokemon who has the fast speed limit, the strong strength limit, and the protection defense limit, however since you both have some pokemon that are almost an champion limit, we'll have to have an ordinary pokemon battle, whoever gets the best points after the pokemon falls down to the floor fainted wins the battle." You said with an calm face.

You will see the rest of the story page, next, next week.

"You belong to no one, but you belong to me" Yandere Pokemon x female reader Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum