CH. 1: Cassius

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Cassius devoted himself fully to his royal duties. He no longer hid in his chambers. He no longer needed to be entertained by the company of human women whose corpses he had to dispose of later. His only entertainment was enough for him, and that was his beloved Dragomira.

The armies of the united Northern Territories and the Kingdom of Odera attacked Toska from the north. War was coming. Cassius was once blind before what was happening in his kingdom, but his queen opened his eyes.

After a long consultation with the lords of the entire kingdom, whom he summoned to his court, he returned to his chambers. Dragomira was already waiting for him there. The meeting dragged on a little, a little longer, and Dragomira fell asleep while waiting.

He used to worry that it was just a dream that he would wake up from and she would melt away with the morning sun, but that was no longer something he should worry about. She was his. She will not run away anymore. When they returned together from her native village to the Red Palace, he moved her into his chambers. He wants to have her with him. Constantly. All the time.

She was wearing only a light nightgown. Her graceful curves shone through the soft fabric. Golden hair framed her beautiful face. He wanted to kiss her full lips, but at the same time, he didn't want to wake her up. She floated peacefully in the realm of dreams. A fleeting smile graced her lips. He climbed into bed with her. He kissed her on the shoulder, on the neck. She opened her eyes sleepily. Her lips touched his. He claimed them possessively.

"You're finally back." Dragomira sifted through the kisses.

"I apologize for letting you wait. The Lords could not be silenced. I'm sure you had more fun at training soldiers." Cassius said. "But I'm here now."

"You're already here and I won't let you go anywhere," Dragomira said and kissed him again. She ran her fingers through his raven hair. She pressed herself closer to him. She claimed his breath.

"I have no plans to go anywhere," said Cassius.

He ran his palm under her nightgown. He gently caressed her skin with his fingertips. He went up her calf to her knee and even higher to her thigh. His grip tightened and he held her even tighter. Dragomira giggled slightly at the sudden movement. Cassius could hear her heart racing. Just a moment ago it was so calm and now it was beating like prey driven into a trap. However, this prey was enjoying its trap.

"You know you don't have to be gentle with me?" Dragomira told him.

"I don't intend to either." he grinned wickedly.

He bit her lower lip. He felt the sweet taste of her blood on his tongue. At that moment she flipped them over and Dragomira was now on top. She bit into his throat and tasted his blood. Cassius laughed.

"You are bloodthirsty, my queen." He gently wiped the trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth with his thumb.

"You have to admit you like it," Dragomira said, a mischievous smile adorning her lips.

Cassius rolled them over and was on top. He held her hands above her head with one hand. With the other, he held her gently and roughly at the same time.

"I love you, Dragomira," he said. "It's no secret that I've wanted you for centuries and now you're finally mine. Only mine."

"Only yours as you are mine."

"Only yours."

Cassius awoke to the screeching sound of claws digging into wood. He opened his eyes. He saw his worst nightmare. Eris, Goddess of Chaos. She fixed her predatory gaze on him. She gave him a wicked smile.

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