CH. 18: Ciaran

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"Are you out of your mind?" Tristan chided Ciaran. "You can't just go to Amorite."

"I can and that's exactly what I will do," argued Ciaran.

"Do Amaya has to tell you in person, so that you never come back, that you finally listen to what she asked?" Tristan told him. "Maybe she's happy now."

"She will never be happy with the Shadow King. She could easily say that to my face and I still wouldn't believe her. Only the deal with the Shadow King keeps her there as a prisoner." said Ciaran. "You're her friend, Tristan. She trusted you. Are you just going to leave her there with him?"

"I don't want to leave her there, but I have no choice. She didn't give us a choice with her decision. And I learned to respect that choice." Tristan told him. "You should do it too. She has already moved on. You know very well what is being said about her. She quite enjoys being a dark creature when no one is stopping her from being free anymore. She is no longer the one you knew."

"But I can't move on when I feel her all the time," said Ciaran.

Tristan looked at him in confusion. His words surprised him. "Do you feel her?" he wondered. "You never mentioned that you're feeling her."

"We are bound by a bond, after all."

Tristan rolled his eyes. He knew he wouldn't stop him. He has not succeeded in it for thirty years. Certainly won't now.

"She'll kill you when you show up there," he remarked.

"She'll probably try." his lips curled into a fleeting smile.

"And then she'll kill me because I didn't stop you."

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