I am wanted for 69 murders in Ghana

50 3 26

I will...


1 - Remove
2 - Delete
3- Destroy
4 - Obliterate
5 - Consume
6 - Blend
7 - Pee on
8 - Lightly season
9 - Deep fry
10 - Fuck
11 - Sell
12 - Buy



1 - Brain
2 - Eyeballs
3 - Teeth
4 - Fingernails
5 - Toenails
6 - Heart
7 - Kidney
8 - Lungs
9 - Ears
10 - Neck
11 - Liver
12 - Elbows
13 - Nose
14 - Kneecaps
15 - Shoulders
16 - Thighs
17 - Forehead
18 - Eyebrows
19 - Philtrum
20 - Thorax
21 - Skin
22 - Armpits
23 - Eyelashes
24 - Heels
25 - Uterus
26 - Ovaries
27 - Pancreas
28 - Esophagus
29 - Bladder
30 - Epididymis
31 - Scrotum

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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