Stranger Things

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"Ugh I know."

"Tut, i know! Its stupid, all of it-" I heard a noise in the middle of my sentence. Furrowing my brows I tried listening for another while focusing on the phone. I was talking with my bestfriend for a while. My boyfriend Roger was at the studio for the whole day. I stuck to my job at home.
"Hold on a sec, ill call you back." I said quickly putting the phone onto the receiver. I turned my head to look around. Taking in my surroundings...i was home alone and heard noises in my house. Its probably the pipes or something? A house noise? Possibly.

I brushed it off since i wasnt a strong believer in ghosts. (I kind of am irl :P)
They always fascinated me and contemplating on using a Quije board. But i do not mess with the other side of the demon world.

I still had 2 more hours until Roger came home so I can make lunch until he does right? To keep my mind occupied while some potatoes were boiling, I was watching tv and petting my cat who sat next to me. He was a scaredy cat obviously and I saw his pupils dilated. HUGE. Basiclly black pools of fear.

"You okay Pepper?" I asked him as he just made himself comfortable by my side and kept staring at the closet. With the movie Exorcist being freshly out, I watched it and it gave me chills down my spine. For two weeks straight I was just seeing things.

Why is it always the damn closet? No matter what, the haunted closet was always there to give an indication that there is something spooky going on.
I heard two noises at once. One from the closet and the other from the bathroom, i was scared to move a muscle. That, that something that was creating these noises would get me if I move anywhere. I cant leave the potatoes on boiling, at this point im trying to burn the house down.

I heard more noises this time a tear rolling down my cheek in such fear that I held Pepper in my arms tightly cuz he was the only fucking sorce of safety i had right now. Attempting to at least turn the stove off would be as if completeing a life challenge. So with Pepper in my arms i RAN. RAN TOWARDS THE KITCHEN, shutting and locking the door. I did what I originally came here for and thank god they didnt boil enough.

I sighed of relief Pepper meowing at something facing the door. Never getting that image out of my mind; a black shadow, fucking standing ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR. Pepper kept meowing and i started to get more and more harsh with hissing noises and wailing. His ears were back, backing away from the door. I was crying but covering my mouth to not make any noise to not make the thing- i dont know, KILL ME?!

I saw the crucifix on the wall and took it. Never thought I would have to do this but i started praying. The air thickened and Peppers hisses kept on going. This maybe lasted from 5 to 10 minutes. I was so scared I ligitimently forgot my name.

Just when i thought it was never gonna be over I heard a door being opened. The front door. THANK GOD NOT THE KITCHEN. In a burst of confidence I yanked the kitchen door open only to run towards Roger in the hallway.

"Hey ba-" I hugged him tightly crying hystericlly into his chest. He hugged me back rubbing my back.
"Baby are you okay? Whats wrong? What happend? Tell me." He carressed my cheek as I kept crying. I cried till my head panged hard enough to make me stop. I was still whimpering
"Roger I was s-s-scared. I d-dont kno-ow what that w-was."

"What was what?"

"No! Youll think im insane." I held his wrists. "Tell me. I wont think that." Hr kissed my cheek and I promised to tell him after I compose myselg.


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