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1974 after the Rainbow concert
Fans were flooding the backstage where the boys were signing autographs for thhre fans and taking pictures.
Men and mostly women were at the front trying to come closer to Roger.

Roger would just do his job.
He is my boyfriend after all.

"Hey Roggie!"

"Roggie sign here please!"

"Hi Roger."

"I love you Rog."
Girls were heard, hoarding around him. He smiled as he signed theyre auotgraphs. I came through the hoard of fans looking for Roger when seeing a group of girls. I chuckled to myself going to the group.

I literally reached in trying to find Rogers hand.

Roger felt something touch his thigh. He looked down seeing a girls hand. But then he recognised the two bracelets I always wore no matter what. He knew it was me.

He grabbed it and I pulled him out, him bumping into some girls.
I hugged his waist, my head on his chest with a smile.
He laughed hugging me back.
"I knew it was you! Hey beautifal.." He said quietly, rising my chin with his index finger and kissing my lips.

We heared murmurs from behind as we kissed.
"Oh my god what...he has a girlfriend?"

"I wanna sleep with him...man."

"Shes so lucky. Hes so cute. I wanna rubb his shoulders!"

"Shes also so pretty what the hell.."

"Nooo that girl is too pretty for him."

We pulled away as he smiled at me.
He turned his bead to the girls.
"Sorry. Thank you for the support girls." He said smiling comfortingly at them.
"Oh well."


"Bye Rog...ill miss you."

"Bye byee."

The girls left with small waves at him and he waited for them to leave since he couldnt wait to just kiss me all over.
"Thats one way of getting rid of girls." Freddie said from behind us.

"We'll be going home. Byee guyss."
Roger said me doing the same.
"Bye love! Take care darling!"

"Tommorow lets go out?"

"Bye Rogggggg ill miss youu." Deaky said jokingly at Rog. Rog just laughed, walking me back to the backdoor.


Roger came out of the bathroom in nothing but his sleeping shorts. He stretched his arms in the air with a yawn.
"Come here cookie." I said playfully while spread out on the bed in a lazy position watching the tv.

Roger jumped on top of me with a chuckle.
"Lets sleep this night. Good...night?" I said suggestively kissing his jaw.
He looked at me with confusion.
"Whaaat? Were not...mmmm. Getting a little soaked?" He said with a growl while kissing my neck.

I moaned quietly.
"Tommorow baby. Please im so tired today." I said enjoying his kisses.

"Okay okay. Goodnighttt. Love you." Turning of the tv he hugged me close to his chest me snuggling into him ready to sleep.
"Mmmm wove you." I mumbled tiredly.

He chuckled.

Gwheheuehd HyE
Baaaa ❤️💋💓❤️💝

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