Chapter 5

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(Most people are going to see this message instead of the one in chapter one, so, please check the A/N. The dates have been changed.)




*~~} World of Twelve ^ Brotherhood Timeline {~~*

<:> 986 <:>

''' Adamai'''

Amalia turned to me, startled by my sudden arrival. I didn't say anything; she already knew why I started traveling with her.

It took a day or two to be arriving at the Sadida kingdom. I tried to be quiet, seeming firm and honoring, but I probably came off as defiant. I didn't care what the princess thought of me at this point, anyway, as was my opinion with many others.

We were traveling to the last forest when Phearys intercepted our path.

"Adamai, Phearys needs to speak with you immediately," he said loudly. I nodded to Amalia before walking away with the dragon.

"Phearys, what happened?" I asked slowly.

"Phearys is a bit unsure. Do you remember how he told you about the mystery of the disappearance of your brother's wakfu?"

"Every word."

"Phearys felt a pulse the other day. Before you arrived, I sensed an increase in the World of Twelve's wakfu. The Young King was here, for but a moment. Did you do anything reckless recently, Adamai?"

"No, I didn't. I've spent the past few days walking to the Sadida Kingdom because of Jularios 9."

"Interesting," Phearys responded, curiosity and a hint of fear spreading through his voice, "We must search the World of Twelve to find where the disturbance took place."




*~~} World of Twelve ^ Xaiolei Timeline {~~*

<:> 973 <:>

''' Yugo'''

"And now, pull the string through to tie the knot!" Mama explained as I followed her instructions. I held a small bag in my hand, my name sewn into the side next to Mama's. I, after a few hours, finally understood how my Mama made things out of fabric and I was overjoyed. I stood up out of my chair and jumped up and down a few times in excitement.

"Yugo, do you want to go on a walk?" Mama asked me as I nodded. She smiled and walked up the stairs with a short "Get your coat on and wait by the door for me." I took my coat off of it's hanger and looked out the window to the street.

The street was deserted, a light layer of snow falling from the sky. Rarely did it rain in Brakmar, and, when it did, it melted before anyone got to enjoy it. I was happy when I suddenly saw Marckal and Ferrel walk up to the door. I quickly opened it and smiled.

"Hiii!" I exclaimed as I waved my hands to greet my friends. They exchanged glances frowning, and I changed my posture, confused.

"Y- Yugo... Are you a..." Ferrel trailed off, leaning away from me slightly.

"I told you he wasn't a Feca!" Marckel shouted as he pointed to my forehead, his finger inches away from my face.

"What are you talking about?" I asked slightly scared. Marckel sighed.

"You're a Shushu, Iop-brain. Ferrel, let's go. We don't need to get ourselves hurt," he responded, grabbing her hand to drag her away. I stood, shocked. I was.... what..?

Mama ran up to me and shooed the two kids away before grabbing me in a hug. I started crying.

"Yugo, don't believe them. You aren't a demon, okay?" she told me, slightly separating the hug so that I could see her face. I nodded and we walked out of the house.

The cold air surrounded us and I suddenly became aware that I wasn't wearing my hat. I shivered, the wind hitting my "wings" aggressively. It hurt. Mama pulled the hood of the coat over my head, it resembling the hat. We began to walk in silence.

We walked for a while; far enough away that I wouldn't be able to find my way home.

"Mama, where are we going."

"I'm bringing you here for your birthday, tomorrow," she answered, smiling. I turned to look at where we were, seeing a sign with writing I couldn't understand. I tilted my head, looking at the building in front of me. It was small, looked like it was going to collapse, and there was a loud sound of children coming out of it,

"Mama, where are-"

I turned around to see my Mama gone. I looked around, trying to find her, but she had disappeared. I started to cry again.

I sat on the steps that led up to this building and buried my head in my knees. Mama was gone... I stayed silent, letting the snowflakes build up on my coat, as it was designed to catch them so that I could look at them and enjoy it. I shivered.

As I sat in silence, an Eniripsa walked up and grabbed my shoulder. My head shot up and I turned around again to look at her.

"Are you here alone?" the lady asked me. I wiped the tears off my face and stood up, trying to pull myself together.

"Y- yes..." I answered, feeling the tears continue to build up again. She grabbed my hand and led me into the building. We sat at a bench and she began to ask questions.

"I like the cat ears on your hood. Are you an Ecaflip?"

"No, miss. I'm a Feca. My mom is a Feca."

"Do you know where she is?"

I shook my head, remembering the way she left. I pulled out the bag we made; I put it in my pocket before we left. I gave it to the Eniripsa and pointed to the names.

"Yugo Phenora... Xaoilei Phenora," she read, "Your name is Yugo?"

"Yes..." I whispered.

"Alright then, Yugo, you can stay in the orphanage tonight."

"What's an orphanage?"

"This is an orphanage. You can sleep here until your mom comes to find you, okay?"


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