Chapter 4

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*~~} World of Twelve ^ Xaiolei Timeline {~~*

<:> 973 <:>

''' Yugo'''

I was sent back to my room not long after I showed Mama the "wings". I sat on the edge of my bed, anxious about what would happen to me. I pulled my hat back on before anyone else would see me.

Mama cracked open the door to my room, which I had purposely shut, a few minutes later.

"Hey, Yugo, can you come out?" She quietly asked. I let out a quiet "mhm" and came into the hallway. I saw Mama and my grandma standing there, the staircase behind them. The hallway was still dimly lit, only one torch burning, like every early morning. I usually brought myself upstairs whenever I became hungry for breakfast and my grandma was never really awake at that hour of the day.

"Yugo, take your hat off, now," my grandma demanded. I took a small step backward to show my discomfort, but I don't think that she got the hint.

"N- no..." I quietly whispered back. My grandma sighed in disappointment and disapproval. She stepped close to me, in front of Mama. I stretched my neck in a desperate attempt to catch her eye contact, but I wasn't tall enough. The other kids really did make a big deal of me being the shortest five-year-old in Brakmar.

Before I knew it, my grandma had my hat in her arms and had stepped back in shock. I frantically moved my arms up in an effort to cover the "wings" but I'm sure it was ineffective. They glowed, anyway. I sighed, and pulled my arms behind me, showing defeat.

"Mother, I can explain-!" Mama tried to stop her from walking up to me, failing.

"Xaiolei. I thought you said he was an Enutroph!"

"I thought he was, Mother..."

"You better give me more details on-"

"MOTHER! He's right here! Be quiet before he catches on!"

I tilted my head to the side slightly and, with skepticism, I had to ask the question, "Mama, what does grandma mean by that I'm an Enutroph? I'm a Feca like you, right?" She looked down, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Xaiolei. I want him gone by sundown."

"WHAT!? Mother, I'm his guardian! I can't abandon him."

"He's already been abandoned once before, and probably for a good reason. Whoever- whatever 'Yugo' is, is NOT allowed in my house."

"Mama, what does abandon mean?" I asked quietly. All I knew is that Mama HATED this word.

"Yugo, you'll know one day. Today is not that day though, I'm sorry. How about I show you how to sew, like I said I would, and then we can walk around the city, okay?"

"Ok, Mama!" I exclaimed, now very excited. I didn't even notice that I still hadn't put my hat back on.




*~~} World of Twelve ^ Brotherhood Timeline {~~*

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