Chapter 2

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*~~} World of Twelve ^ Brotherhood Timeline {~~*

<:> 985 <:>

''' Adamai'''

I stared into the sand beneath our feet, trying to think of some way to reach Yugo.

"Phearys, what if-"

I cut myself off as I felt a familiar sharp pain shot throughout me. It was just like when Yugo had disappeared into the Shukrute; me and... the traitor... had to bring him back to the Sadida kingdom. But there was a sure difference.

The pulled me close to the ground and my breathing became heavier. I knew it was the same feeling, exactly the same, except a thousand multitudes worse. The pure doom that shook through me brought tears to my eyes, but I wasn't exactly sure what it was. I couldn't decipher what the feeling was meant for. I probably just needed to think harder.

I knew that something inside me DID know what the doom was, so I dug deeper into my thoughts. What could be an explanation.

Then I realized. he wasn't just in another dimension. He was gone. Really gone. The involuntary crying became voluntary and, being a dragon, wasn't really known for crying. 

Having recognized Yugo's sudden absence, I couldn't recognize the world around me. No sound. No feeling. No sight. Just the ground shaded by my figure and that sense of doom.

'No, he can't die,' I heard myself whisper, 'Yugo doesn't die. He bounces back. I can still find him.'

I desperately searched the World of Twelve slowly with my wakfu vision. I scrambled past every small strand, every living soul, to find him. I held my breath for every second it took.

I stopped denying it then. I couldn't; I knew myself that his wakfu signature was untraceable and anyone with basic wakfu training knew what that meant.


He was dead.

I felt myself began to breathe again, having given up. 

I knew that my actions likely confused the rest of my dear brotherhood, but Phearys knew what I was experiencing. He was also a dragon without his dragon sister. He was also a broken half missing his Eliatrope. The only one we had now was Chibi, and I would protect him with my life.

"Phearys recognizes your pain, Adamai. The traitor will probably come for us next," he spoke loud and clearly. I stood up, one hand grabbing my other arm as I kept my sight on the floor. I simply nodded.

I heard my voice being barely understood as I concurred, "We should get going...." The next moments blurred together as we rode back to the Sadida Kingdom on Phearys' back. I don't remember most of it, but I do remember the one question all four of the Twelvians kept asking: "What is going on?" and Phearys' simple response: "Phearys will explain more when the Enutrof I entrusted Yugo to is present."

We landed just outside the palace and Amalia convinced the guards to let this new dragon into the Sadida Castle. I tuned out the commotion until I saw Alibert and little Chibi. I took no time to run up to the young child and hug him in my sorrow. I had stopped crying when we were on Phearys, but I began again when I saw him.

He was so..... innocent. 

I quickly realized that the brotherhood was giving me looks and I put Chibi back in the small crib he was in earlier. Thank the goddess that he can't understand language yet. He didn't have to know... He wouldn't know...

Alibert specifically was quick to address my peculiar behavior. I sighed.

"Enutrof... The Eliatrope child-king has left the world. We have much to talk about," Phearys explained for me. I choked a little bit at the mention of my brother.

"Child.... king?" Alibert asked, "I thought Qilby wa-"

"Yugo is- was the king of the Eliatropes," Phearys explained simply. The whole room gasped, even Canar and Renate, who were hidden from our view at the time. I had still been using my wakfu vision, so I knew of their presence.

Almost by instinct, it looked, Alibert swiftly held Chibi in his own arms, the child undisturbed.

After a silence, I felt confident to say the few words, "I'm sorry I couldn't save him."


Just wanted to say that the years are VERRY important to the story and need to be referenced for heavy context of many scenes throughout this story. There will be uneven time skips in different timelines and knowing how much time passes in between scenes is crucial to understanding the plot.

Sorry this chapter is short; I kind of am procrastinating the Qilby v/s Grougaloragran fight, and I felt oddly motivated to get this part out today. It might be kind of bad, idk.

I think it's awesome that is story is picking up momentum so quickly compared to some of my other fanfictions. Like- this has been out for less than a week and view count is already at almost 50, let alone my ranking in the Wakfu tag. I don't think Memories has ever had a day THIS good.

Also, no, I'm not bringing any Memories characters into Forever Alone. There will be no "Q" conflict lol.

Good day/night


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