Singularity F: 7

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The group's journey to the mountain was tense, weighed down by the knowledge of their formidable adversary awaiting them. However, amidst the unease, Caster and Saber stood out; one seasoned in Holy Grail Wars, the other masking emotions effortlessly.

With each step, the mountain loomed larger, sending a surge of adrenaline through Ritsuka's veins.

"Through there," Caster gestured towards the cave's mouth, halting the group. "The Greater Grail lies at the end of those tunnels, directly beneath the mountain."

"And... Saber... Arthur is there," Ritsuka muttered, beads of sweat forming, fully aware of what awaited them in the depths of the cave.

Suddenly, a voice unfamiliar to the group echoed through the air.

"Well...I didn't expect to see you here."

They turned to find a tanned man with white hair standing atop an outcrop. Clad in a tight-fitting combat vest, dark trousers, and steel boots, with a torn red waist cape fluttering behind him, he exuded an aura of mystery and danger.

Caster ventured a guess, "The gatekeeper, perhaps?" He twirled his staff, readying for a confrontation.

Archer tilted his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ho? I underestimated you, dog. You seem smarter than you look."

Caster's eyes gleamed with hostility. "What was that, bastard?"

The man dismissed the banter, focusing on his task. "While I'm having fun insulting you, I have a job to do. So, stand still." With a bow in one hand and a sword emitting blue light in the other, he prepared to attack.

Saber watched closely as the man, likely Archer, drew his bowstring.

Before Archer could release his arrow, Caster intervened with a spell, halting his movements.

"Better get going!" Caster urged the group. "I can handle this guy. You deal with Saber, and I'll join you soon."

Mash hesitated, but Cu Chulainn urged them onward, facing Archer confidently.

As they hurried into the cave, Saber communicated silently with Mash, who nodded in understanding.

Ritsuka wished Caster luck before they disappeared into the darkness.

"There's a reason it's called the luck of the Irish," Caster quipped as they left.

"I knew you were reckless, but this was stupid," Archer remarked bluntly.

Cu shrugged, flames dancing on his staff. "Figured it's best to teach you a lesson or two about underestimating different classes. Besides, as an Archer, why are you using swords?"

Archer pulled out a white sword, readying his bow. "I guess this is fair."

The rest of the group came to a sudden stop upon reaching the large opening. The inner sanctum sprawled before them, its sheer size daunting. In the center, a raised section of ground dominated the space. Saber's discomfort was palpable, sensing the immense power emanating from whatever lay there.

"This is..." Ritsuka's voice trailed off in awe as he took in the sight, the malignant dark energy visibly pulsating from the central structure.

"The Holy Grail has been transformed into a magical reactor?" Olga gasped, her eyes widening as she gazed up at the source. "And an exclusive one, at that?"

A voice echoed across the chasm, instantly capturing the group's attention. Atop the hill stood a figure clad in dark armor, adorned with glowing red lines. Despite her diminutive stature, the woman exuded an overwhelming aura of power, reminiscent of Saber's early days.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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