Chapter 2: Consequences to misguided Love

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After Hyunjin chose LeBron, Eric Cartman couldn't accept defeat. He was determined to see Trump win Hyunjin's heart, no matter the cost. So, he devised a plan to convince Trump to fight for Hyunjin's love.

"Trump, you can't just give up like this!" Cartman exclaimed. "You need to fight for Hyunjin. Show him that you're the one he should be with."

Trump, still reeling from Hyunjin's rejection, was hesitant. "I don't know, Cartman. Hyunjin made his choice, and I have to respect that."

But Cartman wasn't about to give up. "Respect his choice? That's loser talk! You're Donald Trump, for crying out loud! You don't take no for an answer. You fight for what you want!"

Trump's ego was easily swayed by Cartman's words, and soon he found himself agreeing to confront LeBron and win Hyunjin back.

With Cartman egging him on, Trump stormed over to LeBron's house, ready to fight for the man he believed should be his.

LeBron was taken aback by Trump's sudden aggression but stood his ground, unwilling to back down.

"Trump, Hyunjin made his choice," LeBron said firmly. "You need to respect that."

But Trump was blinded by his own desires, unable to see reason. He lunged at LeBron, and the two men began to fight, their fists flying as they battled for Hyunjin's love.

Despite his best efforts, Trump was no match for LeBron's strength and skill. Within minutes, he found himself lying on the ground, defeated and humiliated.

As Trump lay there, nursing his wounds, he finally realized the truth. Hyunjin's love was not something he could win through force. It was something that had to be freely given.

With a heavy heart, Trump conceded defeat. He knew that he had lost Hyunjin forever and that he had no one to blame but himself.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin watched from afar, saddened by the violence he had unwittingly caused. He had never wanted Trump and LeBron to fight over him, and now he was left with nothing but regret.

In the end, love had been the ultimate casualty, and Trump was left to pick up the pieces of his shattered heart, knowing that he had only himself to blame.

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