37. Great Grandmother

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After 1 month.

All were having breakfast.

"Eomma is coming today so all of you no need to go office." Namjoon said.

"Why didn't you told us earlier Dad." Yoongi said.

"I also got to know today. She called me in early morning." Namjoon said.

"Better she don't create any drama." Tae said.

"Hope so." Jin said.

Kim Bora, Namjoon's mother. She was  very strict and always thought about society, her reputation and all. She is just like a typical in-laws.

"Kook stay all the time with Tae okay. I don't want her to say something harsh to you." Jimin said.

"Okay hyung. But why you said like that." Kook asked.

"It just she must be better about you, because she was suggesting some others girls for marriage but Mom and Dad had already fixed the married." Jimin said.

"Is this why she didn't came in the marriage." Kook said looking at others .

They nodded.

"How long she will stay here." Jin asked.

"Maybe 4 or 5 months." Namjoon said.

"Yoongi, Hobi go to airports to pick her up after breakfast." Namjoon said.

Both nodded.

Kook got up to get something but hissed in pain.

"What happened.." "Are you fine."

Kook just nodded.

"Where is it paining." Tae asked.

"My back." Kook said.

"Do you lift anything heavy." Namjoon asked.

Kook looked down and didn't answered.

"Kook I asked something." Namjoon said sternly.

Kook just mumbled a small 'yes.'

"And why did you do that. You know right that you get back pain easily." Jin said.

"I need new colours and that was under that heavy box so..." Kook said..

"You should have told me or any other maids they would have helped you." Jimin scolded.

"Sorry.*pouting*" Kook said.

Jin was continuously scolding Kook for begin careless.

"Stop mom it's okay bunny will not do it again. Right bunny. " Hobi said.

Kook instantly nodded like a child.

Jin just nodded.

"Tae give him massage after breakfast. And if it's still paining taking him for checkup tomorrow." Yoongi said.

Tae nodded.

After breakfast Yoonseok went to airport. And Jinmin were preparing food and Namjoon was playing with In-Su. And Taekook were in their room.

With Taekook.

Tae was massaging Kook back.

"Next time don't do things like that okay." Tae said.

Kook hummed.

"Okay now stop pouting I am not scolding you." Tae said.

"But you didn't let me eat chocolates." Kook whinned.

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