14. Touch.

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"No I just want to talk to you alone..." Sangwoo said coming towards him....

"Wh...what do you w....want to talk.." Kook asked backing away when Sangwoo start coming close.

Kook stopped when his back hit the wall. Sangwoo came and sit infront of him.

"Don't touch me." Kook said Jerking Sangwoo hand which he placed on Kook waist.

"When he touched, you didn't  said anything  why now." Sangwoo asked grabbing Kook chin harshly.

"He is my husband....he can do anything he want not you...." Kook said and pushed him.

Sangwoo lose his balance and fall little far from him and Kook took the chance and went out of the room.

Other saw Kook running from the living room. Tae quickly get up and went towards him.

When Kook saw Tae there he quickly hugged him.

"What happen Bub why are you running..." Tae asked caressing his back.

Mrs.Jeon also came there.

"Kook what happened??" Mrs.Jeon asked.

"Nothing..." Kook replied still hugging Kook.

"Hyungie home.." Kook was lowly.

Kook break the hug but still clutched Tae shirt.

They came downstairs.

"Okay we will take our leave now." Tae said..

Mrs.Jeon came and hugged both of them.

After that they went from there.

Driver was already there with the car.

They went inside the car. After closing door driver also get in the car and drive towards Kim Mansion.

Kook was on Tae lap hugging him.

"Bub want to tell what happened there ?? " Tae asked softly.

"First home." Kook said.

Tae nodded.

Soon they reached home. Tae carried Kook inside who was looking like a baby Koala.

"Mom we are back." Tae said.

"What happen to him." Jin asked when they saw them.

"He is just tired. We will be in our room.." Tae said.

Jin nodded.

They went towards their room.

"Bub wake up we are home.." Tae said..

Kook woke up and get down from Tae lap.

"Go get freshen up." Tae said.

Kook nodded and took his night wear and and went inside washroom.

Tae also took his cloths and went  towards one of  the guest room.

Kook was done. After some minutes Tae also came back in his room.

Tae came and sit beside him. Kook put the phone side and hugged him.

"Now tell me what happened there.." Tae asked..

"Sangwoo h-hyung..." Kook said..

"What did he did." Tae asked controlling his anger, cause he know how much uncomfortable his bun feel around him.

"When I was in my room I thought mom came to call me but that was hyung he came near me and start toughing me...." Kook said..

"You should have told me there only..." Tae said angrily...

"I was so scared. Sorry." Kook said and his eyes filled with tears..

"Bub look at me." Tae said..

Kook looked at him with his teary eyes..

"Why are you crying hmm.." Tae said wiping his tears..

"Are y...you angry with me ??" Kook asked..

"No Bub. Why will I ?? I was just angry at your brother." Tae said hugging him tightly, Kook also hugged back.

They stay like that for a while...

They heard knock on the door..
"Both of come down dinner time.." Yoongi said from outside and went from there.

Kook went to wash his face..

After Kook came back they went downstairs...

They went towards the dinning area where all were waiting for them.

"Are you okay now." Jin asked to Kook.

"Yes Mom." Kook said with a smile.

They had their dinner peacefully...

After dinner they all were in the living room.

"Me and Mom had packed your bags so you don't have to worry about packing but check your bags once if we have missed something..." Jimin said..

"Thankyou both of you I really forgot about the packing..." Kook said.

Jin and Jimin smiled.

" We have taken care of safety there.." Hobi said..

Tae nodded.

"Okay now go and sleep you have early morning flight right." Namjoon said...

Taekook nodded.

"Appa, Hyungs come to my home office please , I have something to discuss..." Tae said...

They nodded.

"Okay we are going to our room then good night everyone....." Jin said...

After that Jin,Jimin & Kook went towards their respective rooms.

And others went with Tae...

His Bunny Baby.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang