30. Again home.

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Enjoy (double update)

After somedays.

Today Daisy's parents came to Kim mansion.

All were in the living room except Tae. They were casually talking.

Tae came downstairs and went towards Namjin room. After a while he came out with a file and was about to go back.

"Son come sit here with us." Mr.Choi said.

"Tae come and sit here for a while they were saying they want to talk to you about something." Namjoon said.

Tae couldn't say no to Namjoon. So he came and sat beside Jimin.

"Say quickly. I have works to do." Tae said rudely.

"Son we came today with a proposal." Mrs.Choi said.

Tae raised his eyebrow and looked at them.

"See son Jungkook is in coma we don't know when he will wake up or even wake up or not , you can't wait for him for your whole life right. You are still young. So, I want to say that why don't you marry our Daisy." Mr.Choi said.

"What are you saying choi are you out of your mind." Namjoon said.

"What Oppa, he is saying right. We don't even know that Jungkook will make it out alive or not- " Mrs.Choi wa saying but Tae cut off.

"Take you daughter and get out from here." Tae said angrily and get up from the sofa.

"But oppa I really like you. How long will you wait for him. It's already 3 months." Daisy said holding Tae hand.

Tae jerked her hand away.

"Don't ever dare to touch me Daisy." Tae shouted.

"Oppa you also have desires right I can fullfil them. He can't fullfil your need." Daisy said shamelessly.

Tae looked at her disgustingly.

"Dad if I see any of them in this house again it will be not good." Tae said and went from there.

"Take Daisy and go from here." Jin said coldly.

"It's good for Tae Jin. How long he is gonna wait for the half dead boy." Mrs.Choi said.

"MIND YOUR TONGUE!?" Yoongi shouted angrily making them flinch.

"Get out from here and take your daughter too." Hobi said sternly.

Jimin came with Daisy luggage and throw it towards them.

"Take this and get out from here" Jimin said.

Mr&Mrs.Choi felt humiliated they quickly went from there with Daisy.

They all sat there in pure silence. They know Tae surely gonna do something, they know that Tae already had a doubt on Daisy for Kook's condition. And now this making the doubt more clear..

Tae only need a evidence that it was Daisy. And God knows what will happen to her.


All were waiting outside Taekook room worriedly.

Some minutes ago Tae noticed that Kook was breathing heavily so he quickly called the doctor team which wear staying in the guest house from the moment Kook came home.

After half an hour Doctors came out. Other doctors went from there only family doctor was there.

"Doctor uncle everything is fine right!? Why his breathing suddenly became abnormal.!?" Tae asked before doctor could say anything.

"Taehyung clam down. Take deep breath." Doctor said.

Tae did.

"Now go inside someone is calling you." Doctor said with a smile.

"You mea- really my kook my baby woke up..." Tar asked..

Doctor nodded..

"Dad mom my bub.." Tae said as happy tears fall from his eyes.

"Yes Tae now go meet him...we will meet him later hmm.." Jin said and wipe his tear.

Tae nodded.

All were super happy after this news. Finally after such a long wait their house will be home again.

Tae went inside. And they also went towards living room with the doctor.

As soon as Kook saw Tae he start crying making grabby hands. Tae quickly came and hugged him. Showering him with kisses.

"My bubba, my baby, my sweetheart I missed so much my cutie pie. " Tae said kissing his whole face..


"Yes my bubba your taetae is  here..."  Tae said hugging him tightly.

Tae apart from hug and captured his lips.  The kiss was full of love.

After some minutes tae left Kook lips...

"I love you so much Bubba." Tae said.

"I too love you Taetae." Kook said..

Kook looked around the room.

"Why is this machine's in our room!?" Kook asked.

"Because we have shifted you from hospital that's why. You were in coma" Tae replied.

"C-coma. From how long." Kook asked.

"3 months. " Tae replied.

"That means our first anniversary also.." Kook said looking at Tae.

Tae nodded.

Kook pouted. He had made so many plans for their first anniversary. How he will give surprise to Tae. How they will celebrate their day and all that.

"Don't be sad bubba. Once you recover fully we will go on a vacation hmm. " Tae said.

Kook nodded still pouting.

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