About antiheroesgalore

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What is antiheroesgalore?

Are you tired of reading about the same old heroes?

We celebrate antiheroes in all their glory - these are the characters that are deeply flawed, conflicted, and often have a cloudy moral compass but that's what makes them realistic, complex, and even likeable.

So, join us and craft your very own antihero. We look forward to seeing you!

Antiheroesgalore is home to all the misfits, the outliers in every group, those who dance to their own tune, the outsiders by choice or necessity. If that sounds like your kind of character, follow along!

This profile guide will cover basic antiheroesgalore territory, reading lists as well as reading list submission guidelines, and most importantly, profile etiquette.

What will you find here?

Contests from the Gray Side

Bringing you the most challenging writing challenges and more laidback writing prompts.

Schedule: We'll make sure you're informed well in advance!

Submission: You know the drill, every contest will come with its own submission details!

Renegade: An Antiheroesgalore E-zine

Here you will find our much loved articles on the various antiheroes from mainstream media, special story and author features, and a designated space for you to gather and discuss antiheroes with us!

Schedule: This e-zine will be published once every two months.

Submission: You can fill the form attached to the inline comments to signal your interest in being featured.

Profile GuideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon