Chapter 11

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After informing Yamaguchi to go home without her with her things that she left, Takemichi shout-whispered at her. "Tsukishima-san, let's go bring Baji back."

"Don't involve me in your business, dragging me here is annoying enough." She replied.

"Criminal-looking boy, can you stop moving your head so that your earring will stop ringing? It's so annoying. Do you previously sell ice cream or what?" She said with an annoyed tone.

"Criminal-looking, huh. Well, I've been to reform school." Kazutora replied.

"So you got arrested. Did you stole some bananas then make it your hair?" The boy ignored her question.

"It's all Mikey's fault."

"Why? Did he ordered you to do it or something?"

"No, but it's his fault." The girl just raised her brow at him, throwing unbelievable look.

"An arcade?" Takemichi asked when they are already infront of Valhalla's den.

"Yup, it closed a long time ago." Kazutora replied then walked inside.

The tall girl followed them while pinching her nose which earned a questioning look from the rest of the boys.

"Protection from smelly bastards." She briefly replied.

When they entered, the atmosphere was heavy. They were throwing death glares at the outsiders while hitting their cigarettes resulting the girl to pinch her nose harder.

The Valhalla men guided them into a group of men in circles, Baji in the center beating someone.

"What's going on here?" Takemichi unbelievably asked.

"It's a test of faith."

The girl was just standing there, watching how Baji beat Chifuyu. She remembered, the first division captain, Baji and the vice-captain Chifuyu. Mikey introduced them to her the night the short lad dragged her.

"Is this enough for you, Hanma-kun? For my initiation into Valhalla."

Hanma Shuji, a lanky teenager with predominantly black hair and a yellow streak in the middle wearing a long golden drop earring on his left ear and has the kanji characters for the words "Sin" and "Punishment" tattooed on his left and right hands, smiled as he stood up and called Kazutora.

"Kazutora, you ready?"

"Yeah, this is Toman's new member Hanagaki Takemichi. And this girl is Tsukishima Y/N, she fought alongside Toman last fight." The girl rolled her eyes. As if I wanted to join that fight. She thought.

Hanma stepped towards the girl, examining her.

"2 meters, no, 10 meters distance please. I'm quite allergic to animals, you see." The four-eyed girl sarcastically remark with a fake smile.

The lanky male chuckles then turns his attention to the other outsider.

"You're Hanagaki? Step forward." Hanma then stepped towards the platform in the middle.

"You're from before." The long haired boy Baji, stated while looking at Takemichi.

"Want me to prepare a coffin for your best friend, first division captain?" Tsukishima suddenly appeared beside Baji. The boy just clicked his tongue.

"We will now summon a witness!"

The events escalated quickly, they declared that Baji is now a member of Valhalla despite of Takemichi's protests. Baji also mentioned their past with Mikey and others when they created Toman including how they planned to stole a motor for Mikey's birthday. The owner of the motor is Shinichiro, Mikey's brother. He is preparing it because it's Mikey's present but he noticed the two thieves which eventually leads to Kazutora killing Shinichiro. That's the reason why Kazutora was arrested and was blaming Mikey for it.

Lunatic. That's all Tsukishima can say about Kazutora.

After the commotion, she thought that she'll be able to go home. She was keeping herself from punching Kazutora for bringing her here to watch this crap.

"Four-eyed girl, what about you join our gang?" Hanma was about to put his hand on her shoulder when she slapped it away.

"Just kill me." She bluntly replied.

Hanma laughed at her attitude and eventually put a knife in her neck. He was kinda surprised when the girl didn't even flinched. She looks unbothered as if there's no threat to her life.

"If you can, that is." Hanma was late to realize that there's also a knife on the side of his neck.

"Fine, let's continue our lovely fight in abandoned car lot on October
31st. Toman vs. Valhalla." He raised both of his hands as a sign of surrender while smiling.

"Count me out." The girl swiftly put back her knife. Of course she bought some self-defense in her knowing that they're walking into enemy's den. Well, she's always carrying it.

"I have a feeling that you'll be there, see you babes." He winked at her. She just rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue then muttered, "yuck," before he dragged Takemichi in his collar to go out.

"You'll help us again in our fight?" Takemichi asked her with twinkling eyes.

"If I were to join, I'll beat you up first. What about that?"

"Just stay home." He dejectedly replied.

"Good choice."

The next day, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima is walking towards school when they pass by a playground. The beaten boy was sitting on the swing with a lot of band-aids on his face. He called the blonde girl which she was about to ignore when Yamaguchi stopped her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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