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I woke up the next day, still thinking about how fun it was and I'm glad I got to talk with her. I got up, made my bed and got dressed then grabbed my phone and went downstairs.
My mum and sister were there, at the dining table, having breakfast.
"Good morning guys."
"Morning Marlena, how did you sleep?" My sister asked.
"Good and you?" She nodded in response.
"I'm sorry I worked late last night, but how was with that teacher, Mrs...Evans?" My mum asked, bringing her plate to the dishwasher.
"It was good, yeah, I'm glad I went. She is amazing, really."
My mum smiled and walked into the living room. I have been yapping about my chemistry teacher for months, here and there, you know, and my mum is probably sick of it by now but they all know Mrs Evans helped me with her subject which I was failing, and I'm so grateful for that.

My sister has a favourite teacher too, she teaches P.E. which Sandra has been skipping since the beginning of the school year, and it's her last year of middle school. She is a year younger than me, and she likes her teacher because she never writes her up when she skips her class, which is stupid, really.
I looked at my phone and there was a message italian teacher...again?
What now...I got flashbacks of that shocking morning when I got that particular message. Anyways I opened it.

Mrs Gray: Hello Marlena, I hope you're doing good. Mrs Evans asked me for your number recenly, I hope it's not a problem. I gave it to her.

I was confused. Maybe she forgot to ask me for it yesterday, well, I'm not mad about it, that's for sure.

Oh alright, no it's not a problem. May I ask why she asked for it?

Mrs Gray: She didn't specify, anyways, have a good day.

I reacted to her message with a heart emoji and didn't think too much about this. I walked up to my room to lay back in bed and when I did, my phone buzzed. Again, a message, only this time, you guessed it, it was from Mrs Evans. My heart pounded for a quick second which made me think. Why is that happening? I never felt this way when I'd talk to her before.
I shook the thought and opened the messages.

Unknown: Hi, I hope I didn't wake you up...I got your number from Mrs Gray and was wondering if you wanted to meet up today too, since I'm free and its Sunday,
Mrs Evans

Hii, absolutely, I would love to, what did you have in mind?

Mrs Evans: I thought we could go grab a coffee again and see where the day takes us (poetic, isn't it🤭)

I'd love to, same caffe, in half an hour?

Mrs Evans: Deal.

I was happy, this really made my day. I got up and got ready and left the house, got to the caffe and this time I was there first.
I sat down and fiddled with my keys until she walked in. She sat down with a smile and asked: "How are you, my darling?" I felt my breathing glitch, practically. Whyyy??
"I'm good, and you?" I smiled and she gave me the same response then said: "I hope I didn't keep you waiting."
"Hold on, is this your revenge for me keeping you waiting yesterday?"
She laughed.
"Oh no, not at all, darling, I told you you didn't keep me waiting yesterday, I was just curious." Her polite smile lit up the room.

The waiter walked up to our table.
She cleared her throat loudly, looking at me, as I opened my mouth to order, but stopped of course.
"An iced irish, and a black please." She said, turning her attention to the man. The waiter nodded and walked away before I giggled.
"What was that look for hahah"
"Dont play dumb, Marlena, you know exactly why. I told you yesterday, you're not fooling me anymore." She wanted to play serious but failed miserably, bursting out into laughter.
The waiter soon came back with the coffee. This time, before the man even put the cups on the table she handed him the money. I mouthed to her: I will off you, I swear. She just smirked.

"That's a nice ring." I say casually, breaking the comfortable silence we settled in.
"Oh thank you, my husband got it for me." She said.
"Omg no way, I would've never guessed." I replied sarcastically and she giggled.
"Right, sorry, hahah."
It was truly a beautiful gold ring. I felt some unfamiliar feeling rise up in me all of a sudden, but I tried to shake if off.
"Oh shit, I left my hand cream at home-"
"Interesting language, Mrs Evans." We giggled.
"No, I'm just teasing you. Here you go." I smile and hand her my hand lotion which I bring everywhere I go.

Once we finished our drinks, we agreed to drive to the park.
The ride there was spent mostly in comfortable silence, and I have to admit her car is pretty nice, a white Jeep.
We got out and began walking through the park, sun shining brightly. It was very hot outside.
"I love that dress, where did you get it?" Mrs Evans asked me all of a sudden.
"Oh, I am not sure but I think it's from Stradivarius, I got it maybe two years ago."
"It's very nice." I thanked her with a smile.
"Hey, why did you ask Mrs Gray for my number last night?" I asked, curious, after which she proceeded to explain to me why.

"Well, I got home last night after our coffee and obviously it wasn't late and I wasn't tired so after I made dinner for my kids I sat down on the couch. Then I remembered I forgot to ask you for your number so I started thinking of how to get it. I wanted it so we can meet up again, I mean I love your company and you are so dear to my heart." She went on about yesterday and I was really filled with comfort.
"Wow I'm really glad you think that of me, because I really adore you too." She smiled at my statement.
"You mentioned you made dinner for your kids, how old are they?" I was curious I guess.
"The oldest is 15 and my second one is 8." She replied.

"My husband was working late, as he usualy does, so I take care of the kids in the afternoon and he takes care of them in the morning when I am at work." She explained.
"Makes sense. How long have you known eachother?"
"Well, it's been years, but we got married 13 years ago." She said casually and I nodded.
"It's crazy how one can love a person that long, if you really think about it." I blurted out.
"Hahah well, the spark does fade after some time, to be fair, sometimes you just have to find your way around it..." She chuckled lightly but it wasn't hard to realize she wasn't really so madly in love.

It was now around 4pm and we realized we've spent the whole day together. The sun didn't start setting just yet though.
"Hey, would you like to come back to mine? For a dinner, you know. Since we've been here the whole day might as well finish it off properly." I suggested but she looked at me like I was crazy, or maybe that's just an impression I got.
"I actually planned on inviting you to mine." She cuckled.
"Oh what a coincidence." We both smiled.
"You a good cook?" I asked teasingly.
"You will have to find out, darling." I'm not sure but I think I saw a smirk forming on her face, though I didn't dare to look at her properly.
We got in her car and in only a few minutes we were in her driveway.

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