Chapter 5

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Sapnap pov
I couldn't believe it. Y/n just gave the L'Manburg crown prince of all people discs.
What was she thinking? They were already rare enough but now she was just handing it to annoying nobles without a thought. Just because her empire makes them doesn't mean she should just hand them away. They're really expensive and knowing Tommy he would sell it for a piece of cobblestone!
The blonde parasite held the discs. Close to his chest as he had that stupid grin on his face. but this time no annoying deeds were done for it so it's a first. He looked for something to put them away wanting to keep them.
He ended up putting them back in the box she gave them in and left the chambers with a grin on his stupid face.
I turned to y/n "What the hell?! Do you know how rare those would be and you just gave it to the first annoying kid you meet? How can you be so irresponsible." I chided. Gods, I sounded like a mother scolding her child.
She rolled her eyes "I gave them to him because he's my friend and I would definitely trust him more then the people who tried to kill me when they first saw me. Plus since I control the production of discs they can depreciate in value, it could also help form a good relationship with L'Manburg."
"But-" "Enough about the discs." She snapped, clearly irritated. She gave me a very harsh glare.
To stop a fight from happening George spoke up "So anyways do any of you know what the gods are here for?" We all shook our heads except for Dream.
"I spoke to Ex Dea sometime before y/n woke up and he said that they're here to get as many warriors as possible. They all are going to fight with and against each other for a final battle. , he said that there were whispers for a little over a decade now of a nameless fear, the Void itself is regaining consciousness."
I stilled, if this was what they summoned us for we might as well be witnessing the end of our universe.
"Well that ain't worrying is it?" Y/n said, she looked at Dream . "So they're all going to fight each other because… what?" She asked as she genuinely looked confused "like why though? What's so important that they want to destroy the whole fucking universe? What they saw was a massive spider? That's actually the only acceptable reason for wanting to destroy it. Like come on!" she yelled. She had such a cute look on her face. Her lips were pursed.
"Didn't say, but it probably has something to do with Ayah. Last time when they 'properly' killed her." Dream said making quotation marks with his hand before continuing "The god of demons and misery, Axar got angry and started spending time in the Void. He entered a deep slumber for a hundred years before waking up because the Void gave him visions of Atlieria killing the gods and getting absorbed by the Void. He also received a prophecy which said that when Atlieria becomes her own descendant well no one else knows what happened." He said as he shook his head.
"Are we sure that in his pain he didn't use drugs to comfort himself? That seems like that explains it if I'm honest." She said, She looked a little worried. Pity for a god? And that too god of demons and misery?
"No, the god of sleep and illusions Echdea, or as your people write it as 'HD' and Exdea went through his memories and confirmed that the Void did tell him." George said. I was surprised, usually George wouldn't pay much attention to myths and legends. The fact that he even heard of such an obscure story impressed me. Perhaps he wasn't as hopeless as I thought.
Y/n kicked away a stray dagger on the floor "Well that sucks." She muttered. "I hope Axar feels better after all this time." She trailed off and looked at the gold clock on the bedside table. "Well it's 1'o'clock, do you guys want to head to the main dining hall?"
We nodded in agreement. She and George helped Dream up. He slung an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer for support. I felt a pang of jealousy for some reason. I just met her yesterday and I tried to kill her last night. I just had to protect her because Exdea commanded us to. She's just my charge, don't catch feelings . I thought to myself.

We made our way to the dining hall. It had walls with gold trim and the floors were black stone. There was a huge table in the center laden with all sorts of food. There were multiple smaller tables around it. All of the other's who were summoned were seated at various tables.
Technoblade and the L'Manburg king Wilbur signaled us to their table which was in a corner far from the other people but still close to the center. I didn't want to go considering the war with L'Manburg and the fact that Technoblade had knocked us out. But y/n smiled in their direction and dragged us there despite our protests.
Y/n and I helped Dream sit down across from Tubbo who was sitting next to Technoblade. I sat between Tommy and Dream. Because by all Gods now if I didn't Dream would punch Tommy. Y/n was sandwiched between Ranboo and George with Wilbur sitting across from her.
"Nice that you could join us y/n" Ranboo said as he swished his tail.
Y/n smiled at him "Likewise Ranboo, have you been well correct?" She asked him. His tail swishing side to side
"yes I have thank you… very kind..madam" he hesitated to call her madam. I chalked it up to him forgetting the word for it after all human language did not come easy for an enderman.
Y/n smiled at him so everly politely trying to make him feel comfortable "Aw thank you but please there's no need for such formality please just call me Y/n '' Ranboo face dusted purple as he looked away. I feel the same way I did when she was helping Dream. Why? I look away trying to suppress my urge to just punch Ranboo. Y/n face was so adorable I just wanted to grab her cheeks and squish it like bread. That's it something was definitely wrong with me.

DIVINE RETRIBUTION ( a Dream Smp x reader x Lifesteal smp God AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt