New green

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A dark figure was holding a sword and he entered a metal factory and a man with metal gloves was working on a truck as he looked behind and the dark figure pointed towards him and he turned into metal and went for a punch but it was absorbed into the blade and he got his head cut off and the figure walked away.

As more of the elemental masters started to be killed and the ninjas were thinking of plans how to capture this new murder and they need to know how they finding then elemental masters.

Loyd: this is getting worse by the day the remaining masters are scared of this new threats.

Kai: what can we do? We don't know what they look like how If they are some rouge elemental master as well?

Nya: Kai is right unfortunately we need a plan.

Jay: why not make a trap for them and capture them.

Loyd: that never worked for us in the past.

Zane: he's right it a low chance of even work they could just escape from us as we are really easy to escape even being ninjas.

Pixel: Zane is right we are doomed anyway.

Cole: do we have an idea why they are doing this?

Loyd: no we don't and they leave no mark behind to follow we need get to training.

All of them nods and went their separate ways for now and Loyd was annoyed because out all of their villains this new one is hella smart not able to do this when he see a boy in a garbage can digging out food and he looked at Loyd and he felt bad for him and asked if he wanted to have a real meal.

The boy was thankful for the hot meal and he ate like a beast and Loyd was saying to take it easy and the kid was happy to listen when his drink was warm he saw him make his hand into ice and chilled the drink and Loyd was amazed seeing then asked if he could use the elements and the boy showed multiple different elements.

The boy showed off fire electricity water ice and earth as Loyd he was like him and asked if he wanted to live with him.

Boy: really?!

Loyd nods and both went to the temple where they will live alone as the ninjas didn't want to live together forever so they got their own places and they are visiting to see Loyd new student.

They walked in the temple and a small girls with them with kinda blue black hair and mostly brown hair and one had white hair. 

They ran in seeing their uncle Loyd he saying hi to them and they saw the boy on one hand and upside down as Loyd called him down and he flips over them and landed with a perfect 10 and he saw five girls his age and he waved and they introduced themselves.

???: I am Ava the next master of lightning.

?????: i am Emily the next master of water.

????: I am akri the next master of fire ya.

????: am zone the next master of ice.

?????:..... i am alloy th-the next master of earth n-nice to meet you....

?????: hi am Izuku Garmadon it nice to meet you all the master of ................  I don't known Loyd said I have all elements.

All of them tilt their heads to the side confused and said can he show his powers as a he quickly shifted though the elements and they were amazed how he was able to do that and thought he had mimicry like power but when zone realize he can't have copy their elements the master of amber need to touch their targets to copy.

Izuku: I don't know how to explain it but i already have these powers before I met Loyd.

Alloy: y-your not Loyd s-son?

Izuku: nope am adopted by Loyd he been like a father to me since huh six months now.

They thought for a moment and figured he would've had some sort of past and he said he use to eat out of a dumpster and they were like huh what does he mean they were a little confused.

Zone: do you mean like a restaurant with free buffet ?

Izuku: what that?

Five girls were confused when he explained he was homeless and they kinda understand when their parents came out looking concerned and said they need to go now and they did go into the temple and went down into the underground base as all the parents put them into a secret vault.

And they were confused and scared on what is happening and what happened next they just huddle together as Izuku was fighting the feeling of fear and losing his only father figure.

So he tried opening up the vault door and nothing was working as he started punching the door his hands started to bleed as his hands turned into solid metal and he started to make dents in the door and he started to rip it off it hinges and once he did he saw all the old masters of the elements dead.

Izuku and the girls were scared and didn't know what to do and the girls were as scared and they chose to burry their parents what else can they do.

After given their respects and all wish for them to be watching them down or up form heaven/hell and Izuku said they need to train for the future and they did and Izuku learn spinjitzu as he got better at it and his spin is multi colored tornado and the girls learn but the cover was to their elements and he got a little darker more and more as the girl noticed they were a little scared.

Izuku grabbed a sword and started to attack the dummy and the girls were taking a break as he destroyed the dummy and they grabbed their own weapons and they started to attack the dummy's.

1017 hope your enjoying this

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