Chapter 4: Flashback

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   -Gabriella Flashback-

   I sit at the table waiting for Mommy. Mommy had sat me down and told me not to move. Father was off on a work trip in a neighboring kingdom.

I was working on painting, a perfect picture of my fish Liliac. Father had brought Liliac home from a different country. I love Liliac. He is a perfect pink purple and has long fins.

My tongue sticks slightly out of my mouth, as I draw the long purple fins. Oops, I spilled some on the tablecloth. Hopefully Mommy was in a good mood and wouldn't care.

  Mommy opened the door. Her clothes all wrinkled. One of her sleeves falling off her shoulder. I stand up on the chair as she turns to face the guard right behind her.

  "What the hell do I tell Jonas!" She yells at the guard. I don't like this version of Mommy, she seems mean. Also why was she yelling about my Father?

  "You could just tell him about us." The guard says a light twinkle in his eye.

   "It wasn't supposed to be like this! You better not tell a soul! I'll just tell him that it's his." Mommy looks mean and cold at this moment.

  The light from the guards eye vanishes. "You think he'll believe that. Jonas is foolish in some things but he is no fool." The guard turns to leave, but pauses, "Plus, you never said I had to promise." He walks away.

  I wobbly reach out to help Mommy's dress. I slip but Mommy catches me. Her face instantly changes.

  "My little pumpkin pie! Hi! Guess what? Gabby, you are going to have a sister!" Mommy holds my chubby hand in her slim one.

  I smile widely! My friend Mayala has a sister. She is so small and cute! "Yay Mommy!"

  We hold hands as we walk down the hall. Me skipping her smiling. Now that I look back though, I swear I could see a twinge of worry. This was the beginning of the end.

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