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The four of them start pulling out kitchen utensils and plates to eat the food that Luna and Reagan bought. Once they finished eating, Dahlia went to her room and started to print out the photos that they had taken.

When the photos were printed, Dahlia noticed numbers written on the photos. Dahlia brought the photos to the living room and showed them to Dylan. Dylan was surprised and snatched the photos from Dahlia's hand and started to align them in the order of the numbers written on them. The riddles didn't match up.

Dylan says ' Dahlia, the riddles don't match up, but there should be another reason for the numbers. Dahlia replies ' Yeah, I agree'. Then Dahlia starts writing in her diary about this case. Dylan walks towards Dahlia sits next to her and starts peeking at her diary.

After a few minutes, she finds Luna and Hailey staring at Dylan and her, so Dahlia asks, ' When are you guys leaving?' Hailey replies ' Are we not supposed to be here or what?' Dahlia replies ' It's not like that I just asked'. Luna replies ' We will be staying the night here, if it's okay with you'. Dahlia replies with a short face ' Yeah that's fine'.

Dylan takes his computer and starts going through the cases on the FBI's website. He searched through Carlos's case, and when he was going through, he found out that, Dahila's father's body was taken to the morgue, but after two to three days his body wasn't found. Dylan called Dhalia and showed her the paragraph.

Dahlia was stunned when she saw the paragraph. Dahlia said 'Dylan, but how is this possible?' Dylan replies ' Dahlia if you want, tomorrow we can go to the morgue and find out what happened'. Dahlia nods her head. Luna says, ' Dahlia we both will go to bed now'. Dahlia replies ' Oh, okay then'. Dahlia takes her phone and starts going through the photos again and again.

Within a fraction of a second, she was asleep, Dylan noticed and carried her to her room and put her on her bed, but when he turned to go to the living room, both Luna and Hailey were standing. Luna and Hailey pulled Dylan to the living room and started to question him. Luna asked Dylan ' Dylan do you like Dahlia?' Dylan was stunned but he said ' Yeah, I do like her'. Luna and Hailey were so happy that they were jumping up and down. Dylan said, ' But how can I ever make her like me'. Hailey replies ' You know everything she likes, just make a move'. Dylan replies ' Umm, okay but I need to find the right time too'.

Luna and Hailey nod their head and go to bed. Dylan heads towards the second room and goes to bed. Within a fraction of a second, the doorbell rings.

Dahlia wakes up and heads towards the living room, Dylan goes to the kitchen and takes a knife. Dahlia, Luna and Hailey with a weird look on their face just stand there in one place.

Dylan unlocks the door and finds Detective Liam at the door. Detective Liam says, ' Why are you here at Dahlia's house, where is Dahlia?' Dylan replies ' I am her best friend so I will be there with her whenever I want'. Detective Liam says ' Okay, fine. Where is she?' Dylan replies with an angry face ' She is inside'.

Detective Liam pushes Dylan and runs towards Dahlia. Liam says ' Dahlia, this case's serial killer has sent a message to you at the bureau. While I was locking up my room, I was the guard leaving a letter at the door of your room.

I told the guard that I would give the letter to Detective Dahlia and the guard gave me the letter while driving to your old house, When I reached there, you weren't there. So, then I went and asked one of the guards you moved away to another place, so I asked him your new house address and I came. Dahlia replies ' Liam, you didn't have to come all the way here, you could have got the letter to me tomorrow'.

Liam responds ' Dahila the reason why this was important was because the letter is written in blood'. Dahlia replies ' What! It's written in blood. Liam replies ' Yeah'. Dahlia replies ' Okay, take a seat. Would you like some water? Liam replies ' Hospitality is not important right now. I want you to open the letter because I am awfully worried about you. Dahlia ' Aww, that is sweet of you, I never knew you had this kind of side'. Liam responds, ' That is sweet of you, but not the time'.

Dahlia nods her head. Dahlia sits next to Liam, and they go through the paper. Once Dahlia is finished reading the letter, she gets a blood-curdling feeling and puts the letter on the tea table. The letter was from the serial killer, threatening Dahlia to stop investigating and close the case. It was signed with the letters, BBD. Dahlia starts reminiscing, about the book that her father used to read all the time which was called The Bloody Black Dahlia. Dahlia was named after this book.

Dahlia starts to get tears from her eyes and Liam hugs her. When Dylan saw that incident, the anger built inside of him was so much that it might be able to burn the whole flat down. Luna and Hailey see the incident and pull Dahlia to the room. Luna asks her ' What is wrong with you, have you lost your mind? Why did you hug Liam?' Dahlia replies' No I am not out of my mind. What's wrong if hug him'. Haliey says, ' We both thought you liked Dylan'. Dahlia replies ' I just think of him as my best friend'. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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