what it means to be asian

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Asian (ā-zhən)

1. a native or inhabitant of Asia
2. a person of Asian descent

It's ironic how people from the largest continent in the world are the ones who are seen as the minority and face prejudice. It's also funny how a majority of the world thinks we don't have to take a stand as much as we previously did. The storm is over; the clouds have passed. But the unfortunate reality still stands: we've made progress, yes; but it isn't enough.

Equality comes at a price in this world. A history of hatred clouds our judgements, and some shun us for who we are. I've seen so many friends neglect their culture just to fit in with society—instead of standing up against discrimination, they surrender to it. I cannot stand to see another identity lost.

This collection of stories—one from the past, one from the present, and one into the far future, aims to show how our identities can change over millennia, yet still prevail at sending us a message about who we are.

- faith

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