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In the wake of a love turned sour,
Lies the residue of a narcissist's power.
With honeyed words and a charming guise,
He ensnared my heart, with his web of lies.

Behind his smile, darkness lurked,
In his embrace, my spirit irked.
Gaslighting whispers, manipulation's art,
Left me broken, torn apart.

In the aftermath, trauma's grip tight,
Haunted by memories, through the night.
Every touch, every word, tainted and stained,
By the narcissist's cruelty, unrestrained.

But amidst the pain, a flicker of light,
A beacon of hope, burning bright.
For in the ashes, resilience is found,
As I rise from the depths, unbound.

No longer shackled by his hold,
I reclaim my worth, my story retold.
Though scars may linger, deep and sore,
I am stronger now, than ever before.

So here I stand, in the aftermath's wake,
A survivor of the narcissist's quake.
With courage as my compass, I forge ahead,
Healing the wounds, reclaiming what's been bled.

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