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The first time she saw him was like looking in a shattered mirror.
Two broken people, meeting by chance as hearts grew nearer.
Through the jagged fragments, they saw their own vulnerabilities reflected
Creating an unspoken connection, a familiarity that ran deeper than they could have expected.
As they took hesitant steps towards one another, the pain of their pasts meshed.
In each other's presence, they found solace and hope, an unexpected comfort in the wounds they once pressed.
They shared stories of their brokenness and the battles they had fought,
To survive, unearthing buried pains and dreams that they thought they had forgot.
Together, they created a safe space where their shattered hearts began to heal,
Nurtured by the gentle touch of understanding and acceptance and learning how to feel.
As they embraced vulnerability, the walls around their hearts crumbled,
Revealing the raw, tender layers that had long been hidden under all the rubble.
With every shared tear and shared laughter, their connection grew stronger,
solidifying their bond like an unbreakable thread, they couldn't wait any longer
They went off to embark on the next chapter of their lives, hand-in-hand.
Together, they faced the unknown, ready to conquer all obstacles that await their Wonderland

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