Chapitre dix | le meurtre de Buquet

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Chapter ten | Buquet's murder


It had been a couple days since I had last seen the phantom, or in my case the Angel of Music, and I was beginning to get worried about him. Yes, I would see him in the shadows, but I missed talking to him.

However, here I was, getting ready for a role that I can't say a word or make a noise with. Every rehearsal for it has been so boring since all I do is stand around.

I had a costume on top of my characters costume for the beginning of the opera. I was ready to go out, but the show had been held back for La Carlotta couldn't find her wig, even though it was on the fake head behind her.

After composing myself and calming my nerves, I left the dressing room and made my way to my starting position just before the curtain rose.

When the orchestra started to play the music for the opera, I made my way onto the stage behind Carlotta, who had been vocalising off stage to 'help her singing', which obviously never worked for the untalented opera singer.

When me and Carlotta were in position on the small sofa with the ensemble, which consisted of two epicene men, a hairdresser, a jeweller, an older woman which I din't know her role and me as one of the servants. They were surrounding the couch which me and Carlotta were sitting on as they sung,

"They say that this youth has set my Lady's heart aflame!

His Lordship sure would die of shock!

His Lordship is a laughing stock!

Should he suspect her, God protect her!




This faithless Lady's bound for Hades!




That is when Carlotta started to sing her part of the aria.

"Serafimo, your disguise is perfect!"

An actor who was off stage knocked on something that made an echo around the stage. Carlotta sang her line before Piangi walked on dressed as Don Attilio.

"My, who can this be?"

"Gentle wife, admit your loving husband.

My love,

I am called to England of affairs of state,

And must leave you with your new maid!"

I had walked to the front of the stage with a broom in my hand. I bend over and begin to brush the floor, meanwhile wiggling my butt. He then said to the audience,

"Though I'd happily take the maid with me!"

He laughed at his perverted joke, while I turn to look at him as I become disgusted by him.

Carlotta shouted,

"The old fool is leaving!"

"I suspect my young bride is untrue to me,

So I must hide over there to observe her."

The two actors said "Addio!" while I keep up my characters maid acting, which proved to succeed. Piangi pretended to leave the stage while Carlotta walked over to me.


Away with this pretence."

I ripped the tear-away skirt and  big cap off of my characters costume to reveal male clothing underneath. Carlotta continued with her line,

Le fantôme de l'operaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt