Chapitre deux | Voyager dans le temps

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Chapter two | Time travelling


I don't know what had happened to me after I had fallen down the two flights of stairs that had belonged to the Palais Garnier.

As I began to wake up, I heard a voice, which most likely belonged to a young woman based on how high her voice was, yelling for someone to come help.

I can't exactly tell you what she had said as I had a loud ringing in my ear and I was in pain.

As I opened my eyes, I could see a blonde woman crouched down next to me, a worried look was etched on her face as though she knew me. An older woman, who was most likely in her forties, came over in a rush to see what had happened.

I felt as though I knew the two women that had crowded around me, trying to help me as best as they could, but I just couldn't put my finger on how I knew them.

Before I know it, I'm being carried into a room by a strong pair of arms, who I could tell had light brown hair and pale skin through my blurry vision.

As I fell back into darkness, I could faintly hear my name being called by someone who I didn't recognise. It was strange as I knew everyone in the opera house but I couldn't tell you who this person was.

When I woke up, I was greeted by a room that was not mine and two girls, a blonde with bright blue eyes, who looked like Daisy Maywood, and a brunette with much darker blue eyes than the first girl, who looked more like Sierra Boggess, sitting over at the dressing table.

When they realised that I was awake, they ran over to the bed and embraced me tightly, as though I was a friend of theirs.

"Oh Cadenza!" The brunette cried as she let me out of her embrace. "We were so worried about you, ma petite soeur!!".

I then got quite confused as I don't have a sister. I don't even have a proper family as I was abandoned as a child.

"Sister? No you must have me mixed up with someone else!" I told the brunette as she looked at me confused, wondering why I didn't recognise her.

" Cadenza, are you alright? you're acting very strangely." The short blonde said, turning towards the brunette. The blonde then said to her friend "Maybe I should go get a doctor while you stay here Christine. I'll be right back!"

I then knew where I knew the two girls from. I was in the phantom of the opera musical. I couldn't believe where I was. I thought that it was just a story, but I guess I was wrong. The only thing I couldn't figure out is how I had gotten there in the first place.

I looked at Christine and asked" How did I get here?" as I began to panic slightly, wondering if any of my friends were worried about me.

Christine looked at me with a worried look " Do you not remember fainting from exhaustion during rehearsals?" she said. She then took a pause before continuing " You do remember that you're the lead chorus girl for Hannibal, right?". 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The lead for the chorus girls! I had only just been cast as the lead before I had just so happened to appear here. How could I have been the lead this entire time if it was Sabrinas role and not mine.

That's when I remembered I was in another time.

I was still in astonishment when the blonde girl, I had assumed to be Meg, walked in with a short man holding a bag, who happened to be the doctor she was talking about.

He had checked if everything was alright with me, like a normal check up you would get at the doctors office, then went on his way after he concluded that I was only stressed and needed some rest.

Meg and Christine stayed for a while and told me all about their rehearsals with the chorus while I was asleep, which I had found quite fascinating as the rehearsals here were a lot more strict and co-ordinated than the rehearsals that we have in 2023.

The one thing they had been speaking about stood out to me specifically, this was that the "phantom", or Erik, had dropped one of the closing curtains throughout the rehearsals today and frightened some of the ballerinas, making them run away from the stage.

"I think I should be going to sleep now. I bid you a goodnight, Christine! Goodnight, meg!" I said trying to remember what I had researched about the vocabulary of the 1800's.

They looked at each other and seemed to agree with me. They walked towards the door, but before they left Christine said "Goodnight, little sister. I hope you feel better for the performance tomorrow!" and with that they left the room, leaving me alone.

When they had, I began to panic as I didn't know any of the choreography for the lead role. I mean I've seen Sabrina do it, but I've never tried it for myself.

After about 30 minutes of me panicking, I heard a knock on the door.I had looked at the clock, seeing that it was 11:55 PM. I went towards the door wonder who it could be at this time of night.

As I opened the door, the person who had knocked on my door barged into be room, practically shouting worried gibberish at me.

I didn't recognise who had been talking to me until I finally got a proper look at who it was. It was the manager of the Opera Populaire, Monsieur Lefevre. He was a sweet man, but had the worst timing for things like this.

" Monsieur? Why, may I ask, are you here and at this time of night too?" I had asked him out of confusion on why he was there.

"Oh, I had forgotten why I was here for a brief moment! I had told everyone at rehearsals that I had a big announcement, which I will be sharing tomorrow. It will be at the final rehearsal before the opera begins tomorrow night!" He said cordially as he walked closer towards me.

I had remembered some of the rumours that Christine and Meg had been talking to me about and I knew that one of the was true. He was retiring and being replaced by the two idiots, which are Richard Firman and Giles Andre.

He continued with what he had been saying while I tried my best to listen as he had spoken quite fast. He said " I hope you will feel better in the morning for the rehearsal, as this announcement is quite important and I don't want anyone to miss it."

And with that he walked out of my room closing the door to my room without saying another word. I thought it was quite rude, but didn't think much of it.

With that I went into my bed and fell asleep, thought I could have sworn I felt someone watching me. Maybe it was the phantom or maybe it was just my tired mind playing tricks on me. Even now I still don't know.


Now I may not be able to publish the next chapter in the next couple of days or even in the same week, but I do have my exams and I also have an audition for a small production of the phantom of the opera for my acting classes. I am auditioning for Christine but I don't mind if I get a smaller role as I'll still be credited anyway. I'll update on how the audition goes and what role I got next week!!!

See ya later<3

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