Chapter 7: How are Others Doing?

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"Already Over"
Opening Theme

After the battle, Krasnaya Zvezda celebrated all together for their first victory on Spring Warfare Cup, especially Zhukov and his crew.

Talvisota invited Krasnaya Zvezda over to their headquarters for celebration.

Oskar/Gustav: "Tervetuloa!"

Simo: "That means 'welcome' in Finnish. Feel free to explore around."

Dmitri: "Wow, this place looks nice."

Simo: "Gustav, Oskar, let's guide our guests around, shall we?"

Ilya: "Sounds good to me!"

Alek: "Have you got some nice food I can try?"

Oskar: "Yeah! You can try our famous Karjalan Paisti, Karjalanpiirakka, Lohikeitto and many more." he explained.

Gustav: "And if you love sweets like I do, you have to try our traditional cinnamon rolls called  korvapuusti. Oh, and also mustikkapiirakka, our traditional blueberry pie, is a must too!"

Alek: "I love blueberries."

Simo: "Does anyone among you know to play some instruments?"

Evgeniy: "I play accordeon well."

Simo: "Great. Since it's still cold, would you like to come with us to sauna after lunch to play some music together?"

Bear Team: "Sure!"



Zastava Academy vs. Guerilla Force Academy

Phan had some hard time against Zastava's guerilla tactics. Since both schools fight similar ways, it was hard for both sides, especially for Vietnamese.

Zhukov: "My prediction is that Zastava will win this battle."

Che: "But still, Guerilla might turn the tables and win. Both teams are good."

Genghis: "Let's all cheer for Zastava."

Che: "Zastava, you got this!"

Zhukov: "Get them, Zhdanov!"

Che/Leonidas/Genghis: "Huh?"

Ljubo: "H-huh? I overslept?"

Hasan: "You can't sleep now, Ljubo. We have to stop them from reaching Josip."

Ljubo: "I see. Then, let's move."

Koča: "Stop pushing me, you piece of shit!" then his tank pushed Ribar's tank in return.

Ribar: "Stop pushing me, you fuckin' idiot!" then his tank pushed back.

Apostolski: "Stop it, you two..."

Rozman: "I see the flag tank, Josip. Over there!"

Apostlolski/Hasan/Ljubo: "Attack!"

Phan: "Alright... Now!"

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