The first meet ~ Harry-Nats

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Requested by trioti


Natasa paced nervously in the room as Hardik rushed to her, "Baby please don't overexert yourself, you have our baby." He said making her sit and giving her a glass of water.

"What if they don't like me?" Natasa asked and Hardik burst out laughing.

Natasa glared at him, "Why the hell are you laughing you idiot?" She asked.

"Sorry sorry, it's just that I can't even imagine someone being nervous to meet Krunal and Pankhs." He said trying his best to not laugh.

He sobered seeing Natasha still very serious and tensed, "Nats please don't worry, I assure you that they'll like you. How can someone not like a kind soul like you baby?" He said taking her hand in his and squeezing it.

"And about our baby?" She asked, "Like you said it's our baby, so they'll obviously love him/her." Hardik said.

"Are you sure?" Natasa asked again and Hardik nodded, "Come here now." He said opening his arms.

He hugged her tight, and pressed a kiss on her forehead, "My whole world in my arms." He whispered making Natasa smile.


Krunal opened the door and ushered them inside to where Pankhuri was sitting in the living room.

Hardik hugged Krunal and Pankhuri, "Hello hey guys how are you doing?" He asked.

Pankhuri looked at Natasa who was looking really nervous and smiled at her, she nudged Krunal who was busy talking to his brother.

He immediately understood the signal and smiled at Natasa too, "Hello Natasa, myself Pankhuri you can call me Pankhs." Pankhuri said hugging her.

Krunal followed suit, "Welcome to the family Natasa." He said hugging her.

They all sat down and Natasa still looked tense, Hardik kept a hand on her leg, seeing her bounce her leg up and down, in a way to calm her.

Pankhuri and Krunal went towards the kitchen to set up the table. "They don't know do they?" Natasa asked, cominf straight to the point.

Hardik looked at her guiltily and shook his head, "No, I did not know how to..." He trailed off.

Natasa looked like she was unsure whether to break his head or cry. She settled on just grunting.

Hardik was getting worried seeing her so tensed, "I am sorry baby, I am gonna tell them. Once we sit on the dining table, don't worry please." He said.


They all got settled on the dining table, but Natasa suddenly felt nauseous. Hardik stood up immediately.

Pankhuri rushed towards her, "Hey what happened?" She asked but before Natasa could say anything Hardik dragged her towards the washeroom.

Krunal and Pankhuri shared a concerned look, "We should go and see." Pankhuri said and krunal nodded, "Do you think I should call a doctor?" He asked.

"No wait let's see first what it is about." Pankhuri said and they both went towards the washeroom.


Natasa was retching her guts out while Hardik held her hair behind and rubbed her back making soothing noises.

"Nats we should go see a doctor please, I am so worried about you." Hardik said.

"No Harry it's normal." Natasa said, taking a breather, and then going back to retching.

"I can't see you in so much of discomfort Nats, please let's go to the doctor. I can't see you like this." Hardik said helplessly, his voice cracking.

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