Chapter 7: The Battle of Avalon (2)

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Amidst the tumultuous battle in the sky, the Orangorian soldiers were astounded to witness the Gray demons' flying machines. These unfamiliar aircraft soared with agility and firepower, unlike anything the soldiers had encountered before. In their realm, the Orangorians were accustomed to the slow and modest "steam chopper," a small contraption that paled in comparison to the biplanes now engaging them.

Meanwhile, high above the decaying city in a Curtiss F8C Helldiver, the pilot and gunner shared a moment of camaraderie amidst the chaos. As they deftly maneuvered their aircraft, laughter mixed with the roar of their engines. Between bursts of gunfire aimed at the wyverns below, they conversed about this being their first encounter with such mythical adversaries.

The gunner, peering through the clouds of smoke, shouted over the engine noise, "Can you believe it? Fighting dragons in the sky!"

The pilot, grinning beneath his goggles, replied, "Never a dull day up here! Let's show these Lizards what our machines can do."

Together, they expertly coordinated their attacks, targeting the wyverns with precise bursts of gunfire. Each successful hit elicited cheers and further banter between the pilot and gunner. Despite the gravity of the situation, their spirited camaraderie buoyed their morale amidst the harrowing aerial combat.

As the battle intensified, the Curtiss F8C Helldiver and other biplanes weaved through the smoke-filled skies, engaging the wyverns in a dramatic dance of man versus myth. The sight of these Gray demons and their advanced flying machines left the Orangorian soldiers in awe, prompting them to recalibrate their strategies in response to this unexpected aerial threat.

As the battle unfolded in the skies above, the gunner in the Curtiss F8C Helldiver skillfully brought down one of the wyvern riders, sending them plummeting to the ground below. However, the two remaining wyverns retaliated by launching fireballs towards the Helldiver, narrowly missing their target. In response, the Helldiver pilot urgently called for assistance.

Moments later, a SPAD XIII swooped in to aid the Helldiver, swiftly dispatching one of the remaining wyverns. Grateful for the timely support, the Helldiver crew prepared to acknowledge their rescuer, only to witness the SPAD XIII succumb to a devastating blast of magical energy.

The Helldiver crew was stunned as the SPAD XIII spiraled downwards, crashing into a nearby building. Recovering from the shock, they turned their attention towards the source of the attack-the wyvern-class airship equipped with formidable magic ballista cannons.

Realizing the dire situation, the Helldiver pilot swiftly took evasive action, maneuvering their aircraft to avoid further attacks from the airship's powerful weaponry. Despite the loss of their ally, the crew remained focused on the task at hand, determined to outmaneuver their adversaries and continue the fight for control of the skies over the decaying city.

Amidst the chaos and devastation, the Helldiver crew maintained their resolve, knowing that they must press on and adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of aerial warfare against these mythical foes.

The squadron leader barked orders over the radio to coordinate their attack.

"Squadron, focus your fire on that wyvern-class airship! We need to take down their main threat. The rest of you, engage the remaining wyverns and clear the skies!"

As the biplanes closed in on the wyvern-class airship, the crew on board the Orangorian vessel quickly reloaded their magic ballista cannons with specialized shells emitting an eerie light.

"Prepare to fire!" shouted the Orangorian officer in charge of the cannons.

The crew aimed their weapons at the approaching biplanes, anticipating the perfect moment to unleash their magical projectiles. The air crackled with energy as the shells were launched towards the squadron of biplanes, illuminating the sky with bursts of radiant light.

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