Chapter 12,,

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Annabeth's pov: 


"Oh I'm good with that program let me try" Piper said, nudging me slightly until I grudgingly moved out of the way, adjusting my position so I could peek over her shoulder and see what she was doing. Her fingers typed away on the keyboard as she opened different tabs, the keyboard clicking madly with each tap. 

"Why do you type so fucking loud?" I muttered, my eyebrows furrowing and a small scowl forming on my face. Piper frowned at the comment, glancing at me slightly with a look of confusion before returning her attention to the computer, becoming laser-focused on whatever it was she was trying to accomplish on the computer. "Are you even- what is that." I blinked while Piper snickered, Jojo Siwa's new "Karma" official music video popping up on the screen. I squinted my eyes as I saw the familiar video pop up on the screen. "You're watching JoJo Siwa?" I asked in disbelief, barely managing to keep my tone of voice in the realm of casual and curious rather than judgmental. "Like... intentionally?"

Piper shrugged with a smug expression on her face. "I knew her personally at some point" she admitted, a hint of pride in her voice as she said that. I huffed in annoyance.

"Of course you did" I muttered. "And I'm assuming you also knew Taylor Swift?" I asked mockingly, while Piper nodded, answering what was supposed to be a rhetorical question.

"I actually did." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone. I rolled my eyes at her response.

 "Oh, of course you knew both of them personally" I taunted in a high pitched voice, doing an awful imitation of her tone. "You definitely know Justin Bieber and Billie Eilish too."

"Yeah actually" she shot back without a second thought. "Well at least you definitely know Billie Eilish" I continued, wondering how many more celebrities Piper was going to drop. "Oh, I also knew Miley Cyrus. She used to babysit me!" she added, as if she found my irritation amusing. She probably did.

I groaned lightly in frustration as she casually dropped yet another celebrity that just happened to be personally acquainted with. "Okay so let me get this straight... you knew JoJo Siwa, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish and Miley Cyrus" I listed slowly. "Yeah" she confirmed without so much as an ounce of shame or regret. "And you expect me to believe that?" I asked, my tone dripping with doubt.

 "Yes. I'm a celebrity magnet," she replied, an insufferable smirk on her face. I facepalmed, biting my lip to hold in a groan of exasperation. "You're ridiculous" I muttered, shaking my head in disbelief. Piper just chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she continued her browsing on the computer. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her audacity, but I couldn't deny that Piper had a way of always surprising me with her stupid claims and larger-than-life personality. Maybe, just maybe, there was a small part of me that actually enjoyed how annoying she could be.

 Because no matter how much I tried to hate the girl that was standing in front of me, I couldn't. My irritation slowly started to melt away, like it did every time when Piper airdropped me the dumbest videos at three am, or when she spam texted me until my phone could barely keep up with the notifications it was constantly getting. In every way, I hate how much I love this girl, how much I care. I try to deny all those feelings of affection that swell up inside me like a tidal wave every time Piper looks at me, but they kept coming back. It was a rollercoaster of annoyance and affection, back and forth, back and forth. If I could just decide on one, that would make things so much easier.

Piper was right. Maybe she was a celebrity magnet, not in the literal sense, but in the way she drew people in with her magnetic charm and undeniable charisma. And as much as I wanted to resist her antics and keep her at arm's length, I found myself drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

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