Chapter 3,,

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Pipers pov


'Yes' me and Percy said in unison. I jumped up from the couch and Percy sat up. 'NO!' Annabeth and Jason instantly objected both glaring at us.

 'If looks could kill' I murmured into Percy's ear. He snorted almost instantly forgetting that I beat him in smash bros.

 I let a smile ease onto my lips while Annabeth ranted about why we shouldn't play truth or dare, Jason pitching in sometimes and saying 'YEAH!' Or 'EXACTLY!'. 'ANND' Annabeth ranted on 'LAST TIME WE PLAYED TRUTH OR DARE LEO SET THE CABINS ON FIRE!' She said accusingly pointing at Leo who looked up at the mention of his name.

 'WHYD YOU HAVE TO BRING ME INTO THIS!?' He threw up his hands exasperatedly, something that he was finicking with flying out of his hands.

 'Oops-' he murmured turning around and looking for it.

 Annabeth raised an elegant eyebrow 'I'm not wrong though' she stated. Leo pointed at her from his place under a desk 'WE WILL FINISH THIS LATER' he said turning back around and scouring under the desk.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. The entire time this was happening I was holding back a laugh, my eyes watered and I probably looked like a constipated duck.

 Annabeth turned to look at Percy and started chiding him. 'Okay mom' he deadpanned after his lecture was over. Annabeth looked like she was about to punch him in the face.

 I burst out laughing tears streaming down my face, I doubled over clutching my stomach 'Oh my gods' I managed to get out in between giggles.

 My stomach hurt from laughing.

 Everyone was staring at me even Leo who had now found his toy again. I wasn't long before Percy joined me in a fit of laughter, he fell back on the couch curling into a ball and wheezing before falling back on the floor. Jason looked at us like we had gone crazy and Annabeth laughed covering her mouth with her hand. Her gray eyes sparkled with amusement and Piper found herself mesmerized by her beauty, the way her golden curls draped loosely over her shoulders, like a golden waterfall, the way her eyes lit up instantly as soon as she saw me- 

'Piper,PIPER!' I was snapped out of my thoughts and I looked down Annabeth was looking up at with with a concerned look in her eyes.

 'I-hi-what?' I stuttered shaking my head.

 Annabeth blinked 'you were staring into space-or, er at me' She said meekly, stepping back. 

'Oooh' Percy taunted 'Someone's in loovvee' he smiled cheekily his green eyes challenging.

 My face flushed. 'NON!' I exclaimed accidentally switching into French. My mom had insisted on me speaking it more often, weird right?

 Percy stared at me blankly. 'Huh?' He asked, Annabeth held back a laugh mirth glinting in her grey eyes.

Jason didn't say anything having been immersed in a conversation with Leo. I looked back at Percy who was looking at them with what looked like jealousy.

 I smirked 'looks like someone's jealous' I suggested much to his chagrin. He glared at me then continued to look at Leo and Jason bitterly. I was about to go tell Jason that his "boyfriend" was jealous when I heard the sound of a door sliding open.

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