Chapter 2,,

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Annabeths pov


'Annabeth?' Piper said incredulously as if she couldn't believe I was here. 'Oh gods did I forget to text you that I was coming today?' I said taking my phone out of my pocket. 'What?' Piper asked still staring at me as if I had grown two heads, 'oh no' she murmured.

I put my phone in my pocket. Me and Piper stared at each other awkwardly, silence stretching between us. 'How did you get here so fast?' Percy piped up peeking above Pipers head. 'We used a chariot since the bus broke' I answered, relieved that he broke the silence, Piper was still staring at me. 'Oh' Percy said dejectedly looking disappointed. 'I wish it was something more interesting like: you got super speed' he muttered more to himself than to me.

Silence. Now it was Jason's turn to break the tension, 'anyone wanna go to bunker nine?' He asked and Piper flinched as if she forgot he was still there. 'DUH!' Percy yelled enthusiastically jumping up and running down the hill in the direction of the woods. Piper stood up 'sure' she said. 'Bunker nine?' I asked frowning and cocking my head to the side. 'Oh' Piper looked down at me- wait what? She's taller than me already? 'I forgot to mention uhh, Leo kinda turned bunker nine into a man cave' Piper explained sheepishly.

'Let's go before Percy destroys anything' Jason said pointing down the hill to where Percy was waiting 'right' I murmured walking towards Percy who was waving at us, he looked like one of those npcs in Roblox.

'How many blue cookies did he have for breakfast Jason?' I queried, Jason's brow creased 'twweellvee?' He said hesitantly, Piper snorted 'twelve?' I repeated unable to keep the surprise out of my voice 'he normally has at least twenty' I muttered shaking my head, apparently that was not the answer Jason had expected. 'WHAT' he said snapping his head around to look at me while Piper watched the exchange with amusement a soft smile playing on her lips.

'What?' I said nonchalantly, 'WHAT!?' Jason squeaked his voice raised another octave, 'what?' I restated, Pipers smile broke into a grin her shoulders shaking with silent giggles. 'WHAAT?!' Jason practically yelled. Twisting his head even more to look at me, I laughed 'you look like my mothers owl' I teased. Jason blushed with embarrassment his expression resembling Franks when he got stuck in the Chinese handcuffs.

We walked along the path for a while the leaves making a satisfactory crunch under my feet. Eventually we came across a wide precipice, it looked like a dried out stream that was really deep. It was about 50 feet wide with a rickety wooden bridge leading from our side of the cliff to a ledge on the other side. On the ledge sat fortified metal doors that blended into the jagged grey cliff. 'that's bunker nine' I guessed, Piper nodded 'you've been here before haven't you?' She asked looking down sideways at me. 'Yeah' I confirmed 'It just looks different for some reason'. I frowned 'Let's go' Jason sighed, Percy was nowhere in sight. He must of gotten into the bunker already. Piper and I walked towards the bridge while Jason simply flew over.

I looked down and soon regretted it. The drop was an estimated 400 feet and you could barely see the bottom. I hesitated before getting on the bridge which creaked a little under my weight. I felt like I was in an Indiana jones movie. Piper had already made it across and was waiting for me with Jason. I rushed across the bridge and sighed in relief once I got on solid ground, Jason looked at me skeptically 'are you afraid of heights?' He asked 'no' I snapped 'It's a 400 feet drop who wouldn't be scared?' I deadpanned. 'I'm not scared' Jason responded his face showed no expression. 'Well you can fly cant you?' I scowled, 'let's just go inside..' I reasoned before Jason could reply.

'I'm guessing Leo spent more money on the doors than on the bridge?' I said looking back at Jason. '... Yeah...' He murmured looking ashamed, 'no?!' Piper argued and Jason looked at her in surprise. 'He also spent money on the interior' she stated, Jason sighed 'Oh of course' he mocked walking up to the doors which slid open smoothly.

Piper walked in and plopped down on the couch which was seated to the left behind of a platinum screen tv. She grabbed a Nintendo switch and started playing.

Leos head popped up from behind a metal work table. 'Hi Annie!' He grinned impishly getting up and striding over to me. I smiled 'dont call me that' I said sweetly once he stopped infront of me. His smile wavered 'okayyy Annabeth' he corrected himself grabbing my hand and shaking it formally. 'Ehh you don't have to do that' I murmured. He let go of my hand. 'How did you get the money to buy all of this stuff, minus the bridge' I asked genuinely confused.

I looked around and took in the scene. Bunker nine was huge, a grey couch sat to the left with the tv infront of it, a few feet behind the couch was a big workstation that divided the living area from the workshop. Festus lay curled up in the corner of the room munching on a big bowl of oil, bolts, and screws, while Percy played smash bros with Piper. The floor was grey concrete and the walls were gray too. It might seem a bit dull at first but if you really look you can see little details like a sign that read 'bunker nine' above a staircase that lead to yet another workshop. At the bottom of the walls were red metal that lined the entire room plus the staircase and upper workplace, you could say it looked like the man cave in Henry Danger.

'Oh' Leo scratched the back of his neck 'my workshop back in Indianapolis actually did really well' he said proudly. A smile tugged at the corners of his lip. 'Huh' I said 'I was expecting a lot of answers but not that' I rained on his parade 'Hey!!' Leo frowned though he didn't look hurt. Piper and Percy finished their smash bros game and from the look on Pipers face I guessed she won 'OHMAGAWDS HOW DO I KEEP LOSING AT EVERYTHING TODAY!!?' Percy said incredulously.

Dramatically sliding off the couch to lay on the floor where he curled up and stayed there. 'I guess your just built like that' Piper answered Percy's not really question with a shrug. 'YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!' Percy pointed at her his voice muffled. 'Hey, anyone wanna play truth or dare?' Leo asked abruptly.

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