xii. cleo.

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kiara's pov.

❝ 📓🪷♟️🌷🦭 ❞

"YOU KNOW how she is, darling. She's really close with Connor, I'm not sure staying her friend is the right move." Carson says gently, and I give him a slightly annoyed look.

"I already dropped Athena, Brady, and Connor because you didn't like them. Cleo too? She's my best friend." I tell him, and he clenches his jaw.

"I said I know what's good for you." He grits, his voice intimidating. "Just one last thing for me, darling, then we won't have to talk about them. She's too close with Connor, she could try to convince you to leave me."

"Okay, but she's—"

His grip on my wrist gets tighter and he gives me a challenging look. Is he going to hurt me if I don't do this?

"Darling, it's best if you drop Cleo." He warns, and I'm not sure in what context he means, but I nod.

"O— Okay..." I hesitate, getting out my phone to text Cleo that we're done being friends, but unfortunately she walks up, so I have to do this in person now.

"Cleo," Carson says calmly, a slight undertone of anger... or mockery? I can't tell. "I think Kiara was just about to find you."

"Uh... yeah." I nod. "I'm not sure that we should be friends anymore."

Cleo's face drops. "What? Why?!"

She doesn't actually sound surprised, but she's doing a damn good job getting her acting past Carson's standards, I'm assuming Athena, Brady, and Connor have made some sort of dumb plan to try and rescue me.

"You're too close with Connor, we don't want to risk you trying to tear me away from Carson." I tell her, almost no emotion in my voice.

"What? That's bullshit! I've been his friend for forever! He's my best friend and you've never had an issue before." She calls me out, and I open my mouth to speak, but she's not done. "I'm not sure what you're seeing in this Connor rip-off, but he's manipulating you. Connor, Athena, Brady, and me are literally trying to help you because you're our best friend, yet you push us away for some boy you've known for like— not even a week? That's insane! You need to get a grip on reality."

"Don't treat her like this. She's simply voicing her concerns, Cleo. Pretty toxic of you to explode like this." Carson says softly, mostly to me, which confuses me.

"I'm not being toxic, Carson! I'm trying to help my friend! Now if you'd just let go of her for two seconds—" Cleo grabs onto my arm, but Carson's grip gets tighter, and I wince.

"Carson, what the fuck, let go. That hurts." I mumble, and he just pulls me to him, and his free arm goes around my waist.

"Let her go, Carson. She just told you to." Cleo says angrily, and he doesn't move.

"Cut her off, Kiara. This isn't good for your mental health." He whispers.

"We're done being friends, Cleo. Leave us alone." I snap, and I don't even know why I said it, because I don't want to drop Cleo.

"You're insane, Kia. I'm not sure what's up with you, but whatever Carson is doing to you is not okay. I don't know who this Kiara is, but she's not my best friend. I truly do hope you realize your mistakes, Kia."

"I don't wanna be your friend anyways." I snap. "Just go back to basically being in love with Connor."

She recoils. "He told me to not take what you say to heart, so I'm gonna believe him, but trust me when I say that just because you're mad he didn't want you doesn't mean you have to take it out on me. You know I'm talking to Alana, so for you to even suggest that is disgusting. Fuck you, Kiara."

"We all know you're just saying you're lesbian for male attention anyways. You cling to Connor like a lifeline." Carson scoffs, and I frown.

"No, Carson. She really is—"

"Shut it." He grits, then turns back to Cleo. "So let's just be honest, just admit you want Connor."

"Not in any universe will I ever want Connor romantically. The thought of that is—" Cleo gags. "Yeah, nope. Cant even think about it. Both of you are delusional, mostly Carson though. Goodbye, and I hope you rot."

Carson yanks me to a closed off hallway, holding me by my shoulders.

"Don't ever defend one of them again, you hear me?" He scolds. "You're on my side here, don't defend those losers. You're better than them, and if you defend them again, you're done for."

"But, I was just saying that Cleo isn't faking that she's—"

"I don't care! Don't do it again." He shouts, and I flinch before nodding.

His whole demeanor changes, and he smiles softly at me before kissing my cheek. His grip loosens and his left hand takes my right, walking me back to the cafeteria with him. It's as if a switch was flipped, he's completely different.

Maybe he was right and I shouldn't defend them, Cleo's words are making me think poorly of Carson.

"Uhm, I'm gonna get some lunch." I tell Carson, but he pulls me back down.

"No, you don't need to eat that much, you've already gained a pound or so since we met. Plus, summer is coming up. You wanna be skinny, don't you?" He asks, and I hesitate. "Darling? You want to be pretty, yeah?"

"Well yeah, but one sandwich isn't going to—" I start, but he shakes his head.

"Just have my fruit, that's enough for lunch today." He tells me, sliding me his assortment of fruit. "Also maybe we should get you into the gym, more muscle would look good on you."

"Oh, uhm... okay." I nod, suddenly self-conscious.

Connor may not have liked me back, but he would've never said that to me...

❝ 📓🪷♟️🌷🦭 ❞


this chapter wasn't as eventful as I wanted it to be but I sorta changed it up, I kinda wanted Kiara to be aware that Carson's very bipolar and his emotions and tone often changes, so that's why it's a little bit on the short side!!

I'm hoping to double update soon but idk! thank you so much for reading I love you all sm!

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