chapter 30. Targic incident

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Aaniya pov.

The advertisement  filming was going on smoothly I also prayed my asar and maghrib as a room was provided with all the facilities. 

The work was going on smoothly when I saw alishba the actor going towards the building,

I ran towards her "alishba" she didn't heard me inspite of me calling her several times.

Approaching her I said "not there alishba it's dangerous" she answered.

"Oh I am sorry" she said as i nodded when she backed away and ran towards the filming scens.

I found her strange, just then i heard something cracking, i looked up and saw the building shaking. 

I got scared to do anything, and at that rate I saw one wall falling towards me. 

At that time I knew I will not last until a hand grabbed my waist, and pushed me towards the side.

I looked at the face and i saw arhan,

But I got shocked seeing fear in his eyes and glossy eyes.

It was watery but it didn't fall, just then we heard a loud bang some blocks of that building fell of. 

It was just a matter of seconds of I would have been dead by now. 

When arhan covered me, while hugging me, protecting me.

I heard him hissing and it broke my heart thinking he got hurt while protecting me.

But i was too scared to do anything, because this is the second accident happening in one month.

My heart rate was increasing by every second. 

Some minutes later it was all silent and peaceful.

He was hugging me tightly, while I was holding his shirt in a fist, keeping my head on his chest,

I broked the hug to see where is he hurt?

The second my eyes met his eyes "are you okay?" Is the first question he asked scanning me looking for anything that hurt me.

Some tears fell from my eyes listening to it, why he is so selfless.

I nodded when he wiped my tears,

I saw his scared face and the empty eyes due to fear. 

"Why did you go there when I told you not to, do you even know how risky it was?" He said in his deep voice , he is angry and wanted to yell but still he is not doing that.

He is just trying to be calm, and I can sense that.

"Do you even care about yourself or do you even care about me?" He asked catching me off guard.

I am not in a state to reply, a lump has been formed in my throat.

I was only silently listening, when he said "let's go" walking towards the car, he is hella angry now.

And yeah I did the wrong i know, but what would have happened to alishba if i didnt saved her,

Wait is she safe? 

I look around and saw no one, how can someone run this fast and that too this many people,

Now it is something I am suspicious of, maybe it was some kind of planning.  

I sat on the car and after few minutes he didn't spoke a word but driving the car with full attention and high speed.

The speed is somehow scary.

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