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Huzaifa's lips were possessive and demanding against hers. He had placed his one hand on her neck and the other was clasping the small of her back. She stared at him with hooded eyes filled with the effects of pleasure and longing both. He on the other hand was looking at her, trying to gauge her every reaction. And he became satisfied seeing her melting with the moment as he shut his eyes as well. Unaiza placed her flat palms on his broad chest, once again feeling a desire to feel his muscles flexing under her touch.

"That was what you wanted to say. Right?" He asked, pausing the kiss.

She hated yet loved this thing about him the most. He made her crave for him more by deliberately pulling away. And it caused Unaiza to itch for him at a very risky level.

"When you know then why are you asking?" She hissed, once again wanting him to resume their kiss.

Huzaifa laughed under his breath as he again captured her lips. It was totally insane what he was making her feel right now. Unaiza wanted to have a serious talk with him about the games he was playing but once again his touch had made her every sense numb. Everything could wait for the latter. For now, Huzaifa's closeness was way more important. She moved her hand on his chest, getting a dire need to feel its skin without any barrier. But out of shyness, she couldn't voice it out.

Huzaifa bit her lower lip and made a way inside her mouth, causing her to moan in ecstasy. His kiss was calculated and detailed; as though he wanted her to drown by its effect while he himself would remain on the seashore, without getting any impact. He explored every corner of her mouth sensually, making Unaiza's grip on his shirt touch the level of pain. She tasted sweet and warm to him; almost like a drug which he wanted to savor every moment but without getting high.

"I wanna take it off," he murmured huskily, referring to her glasses. It might be blocking his way to kiss her deeply. This time he removed them because she was in no position to reply to him as it took longer for her to catch her breath.

He reclaimed her mouth like there was no tomorrow. She strode her palms over his chest, silently wanting the fabric to become nonexistent from his skin.

"Want me to take my shirt off?" He asked in a very calm voice, as his lips brushed against her lips in a distracting way. She was amazed how he managed to be sound and look almost normal after this hot kiss which had made her breathless and flushed.

Hell yes. She would love to feel his skin under her fingers once again.  

"Yes," Unaiza muttered.

Huzaifa guided his hand toward the border of his T-shirt. "Do it yourself."

She blushed and hooked her fingers in his shirt as she tried to pull it up but in an instant, his hot mouth reached her chin, nuzzling sensually over her heated flesh. He didn't stop here. His lips made their journey from her chin to her neck; kissing, stroking, and biting whatever skin came in their way, making her groan. 

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