[2] Bonnie is the Most Disrespected Character in the Show

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I think this is an opinion that is widely shared amongst people in the TVD fandom, and that's because it's entirely true. Ever since the start of the show, Bonnie has been sidelined, overshadowed, and put into the box of the "token-black character" and the one who's only job is to serve the other characters.

This no doubt has a lot to do with racism. Ever since the show has ended, a lot of information has come to the surface about the environment that Kat Graham had to endure. Though I also think that the TVD writers failed a lot of characters in favor of Elena's story, but none so much as Bonnie Bennett, aka the real MVP of TVD.

But, I didn't come here just to throw accusations. I have come with examples: first and foremost, Bonnie was subjugated to the worst situations over and over again on behalf of her friends. Constantly put on the back burner and expected to save their asses every time they got in trouble. She literally DIED over and over again for them and she NEVER got her happy ending.

When she was happy-- during her time with Enzo-- it was brutally taken away from her by Stefan. And then, when she was angry and upset about it, her friends weren't even there for her like they should've been. Stefan having his emotions off was not an excuse. But no, instead, she had to watch her best friend get married to the man that murdered the love of her life. And I'm aware that Stefan died on the day of his wedding, but to be honest with you all, I just don't have the ability to care. Him sacrificing himself is the LEAST he could do after that. The only people I felt bad for were Caroline and Damon because they lost a husband and brother, respectively. (This actually also has a lot to do with what I like to call the Elena problem, but that's for later.)

Enzo was the purest love that Bonnie had in the entire show. He was the one person I actually 1000% shipped her with and the writers absolutely ruined it. She never got to be happy without something happening to her.

Ok, that's pretty much the end of this rant. I just wanted to talk about how much TVD disrespected one of their best characters. I love TVD and I always will, but I'm not just gonna ignore this problem. As always, feel free to comment your opinions. I'd love to chat.

[Published on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024]

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