[1] Marcel x Rebekah is Weird

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This one might be controversial because as I've seen, a lot of people ship Marcel and Rebekah together, but to me, it's just so weird. Klaus took Marcel in when he was just a kid-- meaning that Rebekah has not only known him since he was that young, but also that he's her adoptive nephew. And I understand that they're not related by blood, but that doesn't make it any less weird. Like at all.

I can understand Marcel's crush on Rebekah to some degree-- I mean, he was just a kid and he was still learning and trying to find his way in the world. But for Rebekah to be even remotely interested in him has always been so strange to me.

And to build on that, I always felt that the writers just disrespected Rebekah when it came to finding love. They had so many chances in all five seasons of the Originals and they chose to go down the path of a guy she knew since he was a kid? Hell no.

What I'm about to say is even more controversial, but I honestly feel like Rebekah's best match was Matt Donovan. He was the embodiment of everything she wanted-- an ordinary human life. Don't get me wrong, they were never going to be together in the end. I mean, the cure was Elena's (because the writer's favored her over everyone), so if they got together, Matt would grow old while Rebekah never aged. But still, for everything that Rebekah wanted, I think Matt was her best fit.

Alright, that's pretty much it for this first part! I really just wanted to speak on this matter. Feel free to share your opinions and add on in the comments! I'd love to chat with you guys!

[Published on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024]

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