7 he likes me

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"Did he just pulled me towards himself ,but why the fuck he did that "thought Radha and started struggling in his hold when she smelled the same morning comforting smell
"was that him who was holding me in the morning?" .she again zoned out in her thoughts .
"Don't you think you stare at me all the time biwi " surya said .
"Fuck what the hell I'm doing ,ahhh I hate myself " thought Radha and pulled herself out of his hold due to her sudden action surya's hold loosened and she came out of his hold .
"Okk it's time to tell him that I don't want him and I married him against my will . Okkk this is the time Radha just say it otherwise he will keep being touchy with you or may be one day he force himself on me ..no no noooo "
"Did you came here to just stand and stare at me ,are you that much attracted towards me I didn't know it " said surya with a mischievous smile .

"No I came here to talk about something "
"About what "
"Actually I didn't marry you with my will "
" I know it tell me something new "he said casually .
"Wtf , if you already knew it then why did you marry me "
"Because I wanted it and I think you don't know biwi that I'm the one who forced your father to marry you with me "
""WHAT " why the hell you did that " asked Radha totally shocked .
"Because I like you , since the day I saw you for the first time "
"What "
"Yepp "
"When "
"Enough questions for today baby keep something for tomorrow "
"What , just ans me I want to know it now "
"Why are you curious to know it "
" I said just tell me now i want to know it now and I'm curious because
it's about me and my life " said Radha in a furious tone .
"Hmmm seems like my little tigress is furious now , what will I get if I broke your curiosity "
" What do you want "
"Anything you offer me good "
"Do you want my money , which papa gave me "
"What, are you offering me money " asked surya totally shocked and laughed hard . "Did you just offered money to one of the world's richest man " said surya laughing .
" I thought you want it ,what else I can offer you I don't have anything "
Asked Radha in confusion.
" Something good "
" Let it be biwi until you get a good idea to offer me something worth your curiosity "
Saying this surya went towards lift and Radha followed him still thinking about offer him something good .

Surya went to in his bathroom when Radha thought to ask kamla to get an idea to offer him something .

She went to kitchen and asked kamla
" What are you cooking "
"Ohhh bahurani what do you want to eat just let me know I will cook for you "
" No no I was just asking ,whatever you will cook I will eat it "
"Achchha " said kamla smiling towards Radha .
"Ammm, can I call you Amma " Radha asked slowly .
"Ohh bahurani you can call me whatever you want to"
"Amma how long do you know surya "
"Me , I know him since he was 5 ,I came in this house to work as a cook as old cook left the job for some personal reasons "
" Ohh "
"Amma is there anything which surya desires the most " asked Radha lowly.
"You looks very interested in him , I'm glad he got a girl who wants to know about him and his likes "
"Hmmm "
"Only if you know Amma " said Radha's subconscious .
"Well surya desires only one thing the most and that is love, after his family's death I never saw he laughing freely or feeling any emotion except anger "
"When his family died he was only 8, there was no one him after his father's death all his relatives started fighting for his father's throne but no one cared about him "
"When he was 9 one of his aunt came to him and told him to live with them as surya wasn't ready to leave mansion she offered to him leave here with him which surya agreed she started loving him , caring for him she stared doing all those things which his mother used to do for him but one day ........."
" Amma is food ready I'm getting late " called surya from dinning area .
" Yes coming " bahurani I need to go it's time to serve him food otherwise he will be late and then all the people have to face his warmth ."
" What happen after that , where is his aunt now " there is so many secrets in this house ahhh I gonna get
crazy here , I need go out from this mansion "
Thinking she went near dinning area which was divided from kitchen via a black Marvel wall .
" I want to tell you something "

Biwi here you don't tell here you ask so tell me what do you wanna ask " said surya removing his attention from plate to shifting to her .

I..I want to join my college again it's gonna be last year of my college after that I will complete my graduation and then I can think about doing something "
"Well if you are asking then okk you can go but you have to follow some rules "
"What rules am I in jail now" thought Radha . When she suddenly heard his voice .
"Yes biwi you are in jail where I make rules and if anyone break it they get punished for it"

"How the hell he heard me , did I say this loude , I'm sure I didn't then how the hell he heard me ,is he a magician or a mind reader "

"So you wanna go or no"

"Yes..yes " said Radha immediately.

"Okk then you have to follow rules "

"What are they"

" First My driver Max will drop you and pick you "
"Second you are not allow to spend time in college after college time "
"Third you will not participate in any extra activities in college "

"As if I used to "scoffed Radha in her mind

"Fourth and lastly you are not allow to talk to any boy in college "
If you agree with all this rules you are allowed to go to college "

"Okk but I want to stay a little longer in college after college time all my friends are there and want to spend some free time with them also "

"If you want to spend time with them call them here but you are not allow to stay in college longer " if you agree with that you are allowed to go otherwise leave it "

"No no I agree with all your rules " said Radha immediately .

" Okk go get change and have breakfast after that I will introduce you to max"

"Okk " saying that Radha left for her room to get ready for the college .

A note for us readers plzz read it 🥺

Okkk I wrote alot today .. thanku for your support guys and plz keep voting for my stories and let me know your thoughts about storie ......for me we all are Radha because I imagine myself as Radha Radha isn't a so slim girl with that hour glass figure she is an Indian normal girl with all her flaws so imagine yourself galdly as Radha okkk bye now surya's little tigresses 🐅🐅❤️

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