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Pete said," someone is waiting".

HIs manager nodded.

Pete said," some emergency". His manager said," i don't think so, she said, she just want to meet you, she said it was your mom who told her so".

PEte said," sheeee, means it's a girl".

His manager nodded on which reply pete said," just say her that i am busy with work, just say her that i have gone somewhere and will be busy for 1 month".

His manager smiled on which pete suspected him. his manager said," umm, she is right here, i am sorry  ". Looking at the lady pete stood up in shock, the lady move forward towards pete.

Pete she said with her soft voice.

HIs manager said," maybe i should leave now".

Pete said," you are".

The girl said," i am jane , it's me jane".


jane and pete were at cafe nearby his office.

THE MOMENT was silent between to break jane said ,"pete, so" before she could finish it pete said," not interested, i mean i m not interested in you".

Jane's eyes were widened when she heard that then she said," but why ".

Pete sighed nd said," there's no why, the thing is i never liked you".

Jane said," but you said you will marry me ".

Pete said," but i was dared to do so, i really am saying the truth, believe me i was dared and the most important thing is you are beautiful, sweet, you might be a good match too but i already got someone that i like so much, in my life i have never found someone like that , his smile, his sweet voice his cuteness, he get's me like no one , did you get it".

Jane eyes were filled with tears but what shocks pete is her mood swing, from being depressed to smirking and laughing so loud.

It was 5pm , Way was waiting for pete then he got notification , it was pete who messaged him saying that now he wouldn't be able to come and pick him up, so wait for sometime but way messaged back saying it's ok he don't have to , he will go on his own.

after that way was about to go but alan calls him.

Alan said," hey, way, something came up i mean the race shifted to tomorrow and we need to clear everything today".

Way said," but why did they do so, they are so bad and cruel". and was pouting on which alan smiled.

Way said," what are you laughing at huh".

Alan said," no, i mean , nothing forget it let's go hurry we got a lot things to do".

Then they moved on the way , WAY said complaining ," well, it's your fault too, aren't you the owner". Alan said shockingly ," ahh what does it have to do with me".

When they completed their work, way was about to go but Alan stopped him .

Alan said," hey way, how are you going to go".

Way said," i will search for a taxi that's it".

Alan said," let me drop you then".

Way said," but there is that lil boy too, you are leaving him alone, i mean for sure".

Interrupting  Babe said," i will drop way you drop your boy".

Alan smiled then hugged babe saying," thankyou my bro". 

Way sulked and said," what? you were just asking me  ".

Alan said," well" then shouted," ouch" after way hit him. Alan said," i am going then". Way said," umm but wait "

Hey wait 

shiaya you said your boy means they are .

Babe said," yes they are dating. Way said," ahh".

Babe said ," let's go". On the middle of the way , Babe stopped  on which way replied," huh, why you stopped here i don't live at the bar". 

Babe smiled and said," i just wanted to bring you here". Way said," well, i don't drink but  looking at you and your personality you do look like ... still.".

Babe get's out of the car and said," get out". Way was shocked hearing that and said," you are so cruel you are leaving me here , are you even for real".

Babe sighed and said," ahh, you are, i just said that mr. way can you please come out". in a formal tone.

So does way,coming out way said," but i told you earlier, didn't i that i don't drink". BUt without listening he grabs his hand and pulled him into the bar.

Babe said," sit over here , come on sit". So way does. babe said," what do you wanna have". 

Way said," stir-fried noodles ". Babe was stunned hearing that. Way said," don't you get it ". Babe said," you really don't remember anything , this bar and this seat ".

Way said," even if i remember or not it has nothing to do with you and i am all fine even without remembering anything and i am going  now thanks for the ride up to here".

Babe said," but i think i am stubborn , did you forget that you used to like me". hearing that way was so shocked that he was still.

Babe moved closer then kissed him, but their kissed broke when the bang sound was heard like if someone just placed their hand on the table so hard it was such a bang with furious.

They both looked at the person and it turns out to be.............

i am so sorry if update is slow

it's because i am busy i have school from 6 am to 6 pm so i hardly have time and it's just on Saturday every week but luckily today is labours day and i got holiday but still homework you know again so sorry if i will be late again 

don't forgot to vote and comment 


next chapter.............

PETEWAY-FROM PITBABETHESERIESWhere stories live. Discover now