i want a job-05

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Way woke up and shouted," shit, it's already 9 am". he showered then got down, for his surprised, he saw pete cooking ". Pete also saw him getting down , he said," morning, way". Way just nodded and sat on the chair, soon pete served him.

Pete said," here, for ya".  way said looking at pete," you won't have ". Pete said smiling," no, you have it first ". Way said," ok then" then had first bite of food. After eating way's position was still, worried pete asked," hey, are you ok".

Way said," your first time". Pete nodded then said," why, is it bad". Pete said," no, no it's so good, i love it very much". Pete said," you wanna have more ".

Pete said getting," ok, then i will get for me as well".

Looking at pete way thought," best of luck".

"shit, how did you et it" pete said.

"why didn't you say it earlier" pete said. way smiled and said," well, it's fine for today".

Pete was at his office waiting for someone after sometime the person he was waiting for came. pete said," can you find , a good tutor for cooking".

The person said," why do you want to learn cooking now".

Pete said," i want to see someone smiling after tasting my dish".

the person said bowing," if you are saying then , i will take my leave now".

Way was at his room thinking about how to pay pete as soon as possible then he remembered Alan . He thought of calling him ,so he does.

"hello" the receiver Alan said.

"hi, it's way " way said

"way, so you got your memories back" Alan said

"no, i just need your help" Way said.

"ok, then why don't you come here " Alan said.

"send me the location". Way said. then cuts off the call.

After sometime Way reached at X-hunter Building, when he enters everyone's eyes were on him , Alan came to him and said," hey". Way whispered at alan's ear," why are they all staring at me". Alan said," well, you are back after so many time " Way said," maybe, yes".

Alan said," follow me to my office, and then let's talk about what you actually wanted from me" so way followed alan to his office.

Alan said," so what you want". 

Way said," i want a job".

Alan said," ahh, that's it, then be back to your job".

Way said," but i don't know what i used to do before".

(the sound of door opening)

Pete said getting up," oh, babe, you are here". way turned back , babe came and sat beside way " . Alan said," ok, so way let's talk later , i have some important work with him.

Way glares at Alan, Alan said ," sorry na, please, please". Looking at the situation babe said," hey, no problem, you can talk with way first". way smiled at Alan. Alan said," ok, ok, but about your what can you do, way".

Way said," i don't know ". Babe said," well what's happening , can you say". Alan said," well, he is looking for a job, but he says he know nothing". Babe said smiling," well, that's not the problem, you can come see us working , uncle will pay, if not he than i will".

Alan said," huh, what". way got up and said," who do you think i am, anyway thanks but i don't take your offer, my bad that i came here" he goes furiously from there .

Babe and Alan were both shocked on which babe said," my bad, i shouldn't have said". Alan patted babe shoulders and said," don't worry, he lost his memories you know , otherwise way would never do that to you". Babe smiles looking at alan so does Alan.

After that alan follows way, on the way.

"hey, way "

"way" Alan said and finally way stopped, he turned back and said," what". Alan said," well sorry for his behavior , and for the job don't you worry i will manage  everything".

Way said," ahh, nevermind about the work i will manage".

Alan said worrying," look at you now, have you really forgotten everything about yourself, about him about me, about people around you, don't you know how much you used to take care of him, have you really forgotten"

Way's tears were silently falling from his eyes, which Alan noticed and said," sorry, not my intention to make you cry".

Way said sobbing and wiping his tears ," well, i know, i am going now".

Pete was home at around 7pm for his surprise, he didn't saw way anywhere.

""way" way ...way..............Pete called him as many time as he could but he didn't find, hurrying he called Alan and asked," hey, is way with you".

Alan said," way, he was but he left before at afternoon , why anything wrong".

PEte said," he isn't home yet".

next chapter............

PETEWAY-FROM PITBABETHESERIESWhere stories live. Discover now