please don't leave me-04

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Both ala and babe were shocked when they heard that word from patient . Alan said poitig at himself an babe," hey, way so you don't know me and babe". Way said nothing.

Pete's metting was over and when he checked the phone he sees missed calls from Alan and also hospital. Seeing that in fear , he rushed directly to hospital. When he went to the room where way was then was surprised to see way in good condition.

Alan took pete outside of the room and told what had happened before.

Pete said," so, he has no idea about what he did ". Alan shook his head. 

Pete said," don't worry, i will take him with me ". Alan said denying ," no, no, you have already done so much , since first we have been burden for you ". 

Pete smiled and said," but he is not burden for me" then goes in. On the other side Alan was standing still in shock ". then he also gets in the room of way's.

On the day when way got permission for dischargement  .

Alan was in the room of way with babe .

Alan said ," hey way, you haven't forgot my name, have you". way sighed then said," i know, Alan". Alan said smiling," oh, you did, but i still miss old you, we were so happy and good then".

Way said," is it" looking at him. Alan said," isn't it babe" looking at babe. Babe smiled and said," ummm, i also miss you , thank you so much for always being by my side back then".saying that babe eyes were filled with tears but he was controlling hard not to show infront of Alan and Way.

Alan said," don't forget to visit me , huh " then hugs way, way said," hey, will you let me go now". 

"he is right" . a voice saying that was heard when both babe and alan turned to see it was pete.

"umm, i mean, now i am taking him with me " Pete said. Alan said ," ahh, ok ok " then waved  them goodbye.

alan said getting close to babe," pete seems to like way". babe said," i think it's normal".

Alan said," come on boy, you know nothing, the way , WAY used to treat you...." Babe said," what??". Alan said," nothing".

ALan thought," hey, shiaa alan you nearly split it out, one thing i didn't get what made way do that". he was in own world thinking when babe called him on which he flinched.

At night at babe's apartment 

Charlie said sitting next to babe," you seem so depressed ". babe said sobbing," once i asked way about his memorable time, he said the time when smile is on my face and now his smile has fade away, he lost his memory , he was always there by my side when i needed him , he used to take care about every small things of mine".

Charlie said with shock," he lost his memory". babe nodded saying," yes". charlie then comforts babe hugging him. babe said looking at charlie, placing his hands on charlies," you won't leave me right".

Charlie kissed him then said," not even in your dream". then they intimated .

Pete  drove to his house. , he then took way to his house.

Pete said," way, make yourself at home, and this is your room". Way nodded then smiled looking at pete then said," thank u so much for helping, but i really don't wanna trouble you, i will get out as soon as possible".

Pete said," no, i am all alone in this house , it will be a waste of money and the house ". Way thought for a second then said," then ok i will pay you, for letting me stay here, and please don't say no".

Alan at his home  thinking about his friend

as far as i know way is not like the one who give ups so easily and him doing the suicide  impossible.

next chapter..........

PETEWAY-FROM PITBABETHESERIESWhere stories live. Discover now