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Tears slid down her face as she watched him hug her best friend.
That smile that once was reserved only for her pleasure. Those arms that used to slide around her whenever they met. Those eyes that used to fill with happiness and adoration whenever she laughed.
Now they were not hers anymore.

Amaya had her suspicions for over a month now. Aditya did not pay her attention now. His smile whenever she was around gradually decreased and eventually vanished now. He seemed almost annoyed whenever she hugged him or tried to hang out with him. She should have known about his affair. His smiles and stolen glances at her best friend, Naisha.
Amaya couldn't believe that it would be Naisha out of everyone. Naisha, the one who had been with her most of her life. The one who believed in the saying "best friends over boyfriends".
The irony.
At the present, Aditya and Naisha were all over each other. Amaya gritted her teeth and wiped her tears away. Queens don't cry for fuckboys. If he wanted to cheat, that's his loss.
She turned around and exited the building and got in her car.
She looked in the mirror and checked if her makeup was alright. If Aditya wanted to hurt her, she'd show him. The audacity of him!
Hurt and sadness washed away within her, getting replaced with anger.
How dare that lowly boy cheat on her? She was the one who bought his fame. He was only famous within their university because of her.
She grabbed her phone and pressed on his name in WhatsApp.
"Babe ❤️"
She tapped in a message and blocked his number, deleting his contact.

"We're done you retard. Don't you ever show your face near me again. And tell Naisha the same."

She can't cry about him right now. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair and started the car.

Reaching her apartment, she entered her house and threw all the photos which contained their pictures out in a box. She threw his clothes out, his things, all the gifts that he had given her. She was taking out the last of his clothes when she spotted an upside down photocard. She picked it up and saw them wearing matching clothes. Past Amaya was smiling at the camera with Aditya's arm around her waist. Both of their expressions were joyful.
Amaya wondered where she had gone wrong. Had she been acting too pushy? Why would he leave her after 2 years of relationship together?
Once again her eyes fell on Aditya's expression. His eyes were fixed on Amaya, full of adoration. That's when she broke down. Tears slipped out of her eyes and a heavy feeling in her chest. As if all her heartstrings have snapped at once. She couldn't imagine a life without Aditya. But she had to cope.
She pulled open her phone and dialed a number.

"H-hey Arya" her voice broke and she tried to clamp down her sniffles.
"I'm coming babe. Give me 5 minutes"

The doorbell rang. Detachedly she got up and opened the door. Arya stood there with two ice cream tubs. She did not seem to have even brushed her hair.
"Hi thanks for coming" she smiled at her and pulled her inside before closing the door.
"Ki hoyechilo tor?" (What had happened to you?) She sounded concerned and paced back and forth before settling into the sofa.
"Boyfriend troubles" Amaya looked down. She seemed to understand at once. She came over and hugged her around the shoulders. She hugged back, tears again spilling.

"He didn't deserve you anyways. Remember queens don't cry. You were the one who taught me that. Don't cry over a mere fuckboy. You deserve way more than that. You'll find someone who treats you like the queen you are."
She smiled and wiped her face.
"Seriously, you come to my house with ice cream and I waste time crying! You're right. I don't care about what he did. I deserve better."

They laughed and got cozy on the couches. Amaya closed the blinds and shut her miseries off. They spent the rest of the day watching Disney movies and eating ice cream.

At night, Amaya tossed and turned in her sleep. Aditya hadn't contacted her in any other way anymore. Not that she wanted him to of course. It just hurt, that her boyfriend of 2 years just went and cheated on her like that. Like it did not matter a little bit.

Even though she pretended that she did not care even a little bit about Aditya anymore, deep down she knew she cared.

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