Chapter one

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Brielle was glad she had paid attention to her swimming training as she emerged from the freezing water of the lake. Her hair was soaked, and her clothes sagged, but at least she still had her gun, she thought. Aylee was right beside her, in the same condition.

"Are they gone?" she asked, referring to the people who had been chasing them.

Brielle looked around and nodded, making sure. She started to swim towards the shoreline.Once there, they found the dry clothes they had stored beforehand.

"You change behind that tree, and I'll change behind this one," Aylee suggested.

Brielle nodded and went to change, putting her wet clothes into a waterproof bag.She dried off her hair with a towel, leaving it mostly damp, and put it in the bag before coming out from behind the tree.
Aylee took a couple more seconds.

"Next time we go into an office, let's not choose one near a lake," Brielle giggled.

"100 percent agree. So how about we start heading to the cottage?" Aylee said.Brielle nodded and they began their hike.

After about three hours, they arrived home. It was a small cottage, with two bedrooms and one bath, but it was cozy.

Unlocking the door and retrieving her gun, Aylee did the same, entering defense mode as they checked the whole living room. Brielle went to her room, Aylee doing the same.

"It's clear," Brielle yelled out.

"Clear here too," Aylee responded.

Brielle turned on the light in her room, setting down her bag and putting her gun on her bedside table. She took off her shoes and climbed into bed. It was nice and comfortable. Brielle laid down on her pillow and looked at the photos she had placed to look at every night.

One was of her family: Dad, brothers, and grandparents. The other was of Aylee, Francis, Blake, and her, all standing in front of the Eiffel Tower. Brielle liked to fall asleep looking at these. They reminded her of what she was fighting for.She couldn't wait for this to be over.

Brielle missed her family, friends, and Gideon so much. She missed her greenhouse too. Aylee and her had started a garden, mostly veggies and fruit, to limit their time away from the cottage. The first three weeks, they couldn't leave at all.Damien didn't listen to Blake's advice and sent out a search party, but they found nothing.

Brielle could only wait inside for them to give up. It broke her heart. She missed her family so much. Sighing, she got up from her bed and made her way to the kitchen.

"Aylee, do you want a sandwich and chips or pizza rolls and pizza bites? If we do the latter, we can watch that new K-Drama you wanted to," Brielle yelled to her best friend.

Aylee came out of her room. "The second one. I'll start the pizza rolls, you do the pizza bites," she offered.

Brielle happily agreed, opened the package, and put them into the microwave, while Aylee put the Pizza Bites into the toaster oven.After 20 minutes, the girls were ready. Aylee put the DVD into the player and returned to her seat."What's this called again?" Brielle asked.

"True Beauty. It came out a while ago on Netflix, but since that can be tracked, I had Theo put several episodes on DVD so I can still watch them. He's also doing the entire Supernatural series for me. I haven't seen the Winchester brothers in too long, along with my little bumblebee, Cas," Aylee answered.

"I agree, they're just so pretty," Brielle agreed. Both girls laughed as the first episode started.
The girls had finished the first three episodes of True Beauty, saving the rest for tomorrow. Brielle was now in her room, a book in her lap, though she was really just staring off into space.

A ringing phone brought her back to the present. Picking up her flip phone, she saw Theo's name on the caller ID.

"Aylee, it's Theo," Brielle called out as she sat up.Aylee came in, and Brielle answered the call, putting it on speaker.
B: Hey, Theo.

T: Hey, Bri, Aylee. How did the takeoff from the base go?

A: It was fine. Just next time, our escape plan doesn't need to involve a lake.

T: "That's good. Now I know it's risky for me to do more than call once a week.

B: Yeah, it is. But what's wrong?

T: There was a car accident.

B: "Who was in it?

T: Vincent was driving. Francis and Blake were with him.

B: "Thanks, Theo. Meet us at the meeting spot tomorrow . I'm coming home.

T: Okay, Bri."He hung up, and

Brielle looked at Aylee. "Let's go see if they're alive."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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