It Appears

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"It appears," the man bowing to Fire Lord Azulon began, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "that there are factions within the Fire Nation, as unpredictable as Prince Ozai himself, who entertain the notion of a Fire Lord. We are still in the dark about their intentions, or whether the prince has clandestine connections beyond those we have permitted near him in his prison cell."

Azulon's voice carried a weight of concern as he spoke, "What troubles me more is the fact that the majority of the Fire Nation rejects Prince Ozai due to his instability, and yet fears Prince Zuko will follow suit, or the existence of a small but dangerous group that aligns with Prince Ozai's vision of annihilating any perceived weakness, with Prince Zuko potentially in their crosshairs, given Prince Ozai's past actions towards his own son."

"I think the latter because that means, as we feared, there are those who may seek to finish what my brother started, while with the former, I think the people will come around to Prince Zuko when they come to know him."

"I hope so," Azulon said, taking a deep breath. "And there's also the risk one of them may go after the heir to the Crown Prince simply because they believe he'll be as unhinged as his father." He took a drink of his tea and turned to Iroh. "That said, how are things going with Zuko and his companions?"

"He's getting along the best with the boy, the one I named Minato," Iroh said, taking a drink of his own tea. "Minato's actually managed to get Zuko over one of his major hurdles when it comes to bending, but it also seems not being able to bend as he and others have been instructed to bend has actually helped matters in that he's changed up his form out of necessity and discovered those forms suit his own natural movements far better."

"He's going to earn some looks, though, once he starts at the academy," Azulon said, shaking his head. "And the girl?"

"She's not yet opened up to the prince but has to Princess Ursa, and Princess Ursa enjoys spoiling her. Zuko is, though, fond of her and not wanting to rush their friendship out of fear of frightening her. There may be," Iroh sighed. "She may have had a negative experience with bending in the past, but from what Ursa's told me, it may actually have to do with the girl's mother."

"Oh? She's speaking to Ursa then?"

"She is, and Prince Zuko is working on perfecting his firebending to show Hana."

"Zuko is..." One of Azulon's eyebrows shot up. "Is Prince Zuko actually attempting to impress a girl?"

"That," Iroh took a deep breath. "I know that's perhaps not the ideal, that you may not like it."

"I'd not considered—it certainly wouldn't go over well with some of the nobles, the ones who are also vying, or one would think, they would be vying as they were Lu Ten, but I think the whole unhinged rumors surrounding Zuko isn't helping. The only offer from any of the nobles is the daughter of one of Azula's companions, Mai. And given Prince Ozai selected those children, I am not sure I like that match, so if Zuko decides to take an interest in a Water Tribe girl, perhaps some of the nobles should move sooner rather than letting their unfounded fears get in the way. Really."

"That's your opinion?"

"That's my opinion, but the matter is something we'll tackle when the time comes rather than now." Azulon chuckled. "I think I should also like to see Zuko's bending."

"I could bring him by if you want."

Azulon sighed, waving Iroh off. "No, no. I think that would only discourage the boy. When Prince Ozai made to show off Princess Azula, Prince Zuko attempted to show that he was also learning, and the boy made an utter fool of himself. Twice. But he got up. And he didn't give up trying."

"No. He doesn't give up, and I'm proud of him for that, but I'm glad Minato realized what was frustrating Zuko so much regarding his bending."

"And Princess Azula?"

Iroh sighed. "She keeps trying to escape, insisting we are the ones who are wrong."

"That's a shame."

"What's even more problematic is her insistence that she is superior to her brother, that we've got the wrong idea and their father has the right idea, but I think..."

Azulon lifted his hand. "That would be my fault. I am the one who told Ursa not to worry about Azula, as I knew Ozai would never attack his favorite, yet I can't help but feel—I think Azula knows too much about that night. She, at the very least, knows I'd told Ozai to sacrifice having a firstborn son so you could have one again, which she, in turn, twisted around to terrorize her older brother, but..."

"She's been told by Prince Ozai the one we should be favoring is her, not Prince Zuko, so, of course, she's lashing out at the idea he's become my heir, let alone her father's been thrown into prison as she doesn't see anything wrong in what he did because in her mind Zuko is weak."

"She's going to have a rude awakening when she faces Zuko at his actual bending potential rather than what she's come to expect of him because Ozai never saw that potential simply because Prince Zuko is a rather unconventional child."

"Well, the Fire Sages were under the impression Zuko would never bend."

"That has never been an accurate assessment, but I've seen some that they claim will be the strongest benders be the weakest, possibly because from a young age they gained an ego that they—perhaps Azula is like that, although I wouldn't call her the weakest. But her ego is certainly getting in the way of her future prospects."

"Sorry, I can't do more for you, being that the bloodline will die off with them."

"The Fire Nation, though, isn't majorly keen on his flesh and blood right now, particularly with the reputation Azula's gained while at the academy." Azulon shook his head. "Though I'm sure Zuko will cause his own stir, being the unconventional child he's always been."

"It reminds me of Lu Ten, in some ways, but it warms my heart, thinking Lu Ten is watching over his cousin and that Zuko is still looking up and admiring his cousin."

"Fire Lord Azulon!"

Iroh and Azulon turned their heads as a servant hurried in, bowing low. Azulon frowned. "What?"

"Princess Azula!"

"Please tell me she's not broken out and attacked her brother again?" Azulon sighed. "If she has, I will have to take far more serious measures."

"No. This time, someone else has completely broken her out of the castle, and we are unsure who they were or where they've gone."

Iroh took a deep breath. "That faction. You suppose they're behind this? They can't break Ozai out of prison, so they take the child that most aligns with Ozai's values."

"Unfortunately, you're likely correct."

"Shall we postpone Zuko starting at the academy?"

"No, no. He needs to start soon, but I'd like to assign another guard, an adult to follow at a distance, as Zuko attending the academy will likely draw them out. And speak with the headmaster as well. Knowing him, he'll likely want to be prepared for what may come."

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