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"I'd not expected such a young child."

A sigh of relief escaped Iroh's lungs, his eyes closing.

The risk—

He'd known the plan of his held risk, which was what Ursa wanted him to ask of Fire Lord Azulon held risks. There, of course, lay the risk of overstepping, of his being the beloved eldest and crown prince not preventing his father's ire from coming down on his head, although a part of him knew he'd fare better than whatever happened to Ozai, whom he didn't want to see, the whispers as he passed through the halls saying Azulon left Ozai alive, burned from the fight in a prison cell who knew where.

And then he'd realized just how much risk there was, yet, "I should have honestly suspected it, that the waterbender we found wouldn't want to heal Prince Zuko, might even prove to be a threat to his life, something I'd never forgive myself for if it happened."

He also didn't like the promise that half the waterbenders in their prisons would die should something happen to Prince Zuko, though—

"Please. Don't breathe a word regarding what Fire Lord Azulon said to Prince Zuko," Iroh said as he brought the old woman to Lu ten's old bedroom.

"Why? I care not what someone of your ilk thinks of me," the woman said, then, "Or should I say what they think of themselves? Good riddance if they realize how cruel the Fire Nation's been."

"He's seen enough cruelty," Iroh said, not telling the woman of Zuko's young age, yet—

The moment she saw the boy, how young she was, her attitude changed. She moved closer, frowning, sitting on the edge of the bed so she might unwrap the burned arms, shaking her head. "This will be no easy task, but should I simply heal arms that may one day go on to kill my people?"

"My son isn't like that," Ursa blurted out, glaring at the woman.

The woman, in turn, looked at her and then waved her hand. "You can leave."

"What?" Ursa's eyes blinked.

"A mother doesn't need to see this," the woman said. "It will take time, but it also won't be painless. It is burns after all."

"I'll remain, Ursa," Iroh said. "You trusted me to bring him a healer, a waterbender if I could, but please. Trust me some more."

Ursa frowned, then stood. "Goodness knows I trust you more than I do my husband, Prince Iroh."

Iroh let out a deep breath as she bowed, taking her leave. The woman looked at the boy, then said, "I'll need lots of water, but I'll need someone to remove the old water when it starts becoming unclean."

"You heard her," Iroh said, noticing the servants hesitate. "She is able to heal Prince Zuko, and the Fire Nation needs their prince well." The servants hurried off while Iroh remained. "Satisfied?"

"When am I ever?" the woman said, the sarcasm there. She looked around the room. "This room—it belongs to an older person, no?"

"It used to belong to my son, Lu Ten," Iroh said.

"You're being honest?"

"Better, I think, to be honest, and secure a favorable result for..."

"I can't promise anything," the woman said. "It's not a fresh injury, these burns." She lifted her arms, turning her head. "And who did this to a child? I knew the Fire Nation was inhuman, but I never thought I'd see this."

"Then know it is someone you never want to become Fire Lord," Iroh said.

She let out a ticking sound. "And you—you aren't being truthful now. You're leaving something out."

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